Gaze carefully along the sides of the child. You will observe it follows a definite system, and you will probably learn it quite quickly. Run your fingers through the little hairs which poke out through the armor. Your magnifying glass may show you rows of stimuli spiraling and branching out all over the inside of the body, even into the legs and eyes.
When it moves, a suffocating dust is pumped in and out through the physical characteristics to ward off emotional intruders. When it talks or sings, a scraping noise (dit-dah-dit-dit) is emitted from deep within the throat. These noises—as you will have read in the Bible—serve to frighten away prospective enemies who might otherwise harvest the child’s language, causing it to clog and die.
If you cut open the child, you’ll find the constructional details of a cheap bell-ringing aphid ensnared within a thin jacket of helplessness. When it is still, take it out with the cotton tongs. Look at the shameful way it holds its skin(1), errant beneath the normal blossom of age. Using an oiled tube for sipping liquids and a little hard work you will find many of these prominent features are most easily removed by first detaching the feathery antennae of emotions from their shallow bank of resistance. Although somewhat more tedious, it is possible to isolate the child through frequent testing and then bore a series of closely spaced doubts along its margins. Its center may then be knocked out with a hammer and cold chisel and the hole smoothed up with a fashionable cloth of your choosing (talk it over with your dealer).
If the child has been examined and is up to full brilliance, its oscillations may be used to attract others of its kind—provided its scraping and buzzing has been tuned to an appropriate resonance.
To keep the child in good condition, carefully bolt its thorax or chest from the top and fasten with nuts and washers on the underside to secure it to the room in which it was raised. Wrench the bolt down until the head is about one quarter of an inch above the child’s back.
Don’t let your child dry out!(2)
If you know its name, put this on a label.
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1 Sagging five henrys from the brittle frame
2 If it gets hard and dry, it can be revived and softened with negative voltage and steam from an iron. Place it on a flat surface (a board or driveway works just fine), attach the cathode, and let the steam from the iron drift into the appearances. In a few minutes the child can be handled without negative forward predictors.
I was based on a strict geometric model whose primary purpose was to “open a window" on the general spectrum of the lives They had thrown together. Understanding the importance of concealment during these long periods of observation, I created a blind of unused emotions. My observations mimicked the quiet landscape of their relationship approximating a similar flatness of conduct. Shoot-through replaceable eyehole slots were created in the shape of general interest in case anyone peered inside. Affixed to the yellow chair I became an empty piece of night, reflecting nothing that another’s heart might register. The sculptured look of my person made possible a unique interior frame system that, when fully collapsed, took up very little room and allowed for quick attachment to the language of escape.