Arcs over
the house. Gnarled roots break through ground. Deep down where
roots thin to wisps, the still-growing hair of my ancestors twists into
braid. They link knotty arms.
a tree
branches from both ends
she was
a landholder
allotted an inlet of marrow
spelled not to have her thread
cut at a perilous moment
chain up
the watchdog, set out dainty foods
one lives
as no other, every birth
inscribed in an utterly woven
breath you too will hold
leave the door open
the frame will hold
I missed my selvedges of air
beads in your palm you
said look, there is the ruffled lake the
trilling breast silver
stitches strewn past
the error of midnight
ice, olives,
fireflies may be alluring
or your
face so big made of little tvs
on arrest I missed myself passing
through the glass to the
piercing of ten thousand layers
of our
gifts after this, what is left?
of a cloth, the outline
absence makes, edge of stars
imaginary ancestor threads down
a narrow inlet, little covers
hide the fray, a yearning
for grace to scar the wound¹s
unraveled bloom, riddled hole p>
only blood
between us, many empty years
we had words, she spoke the crescendos
of Chopin, Schubert, summer
the room was dark, open to the August porch:
"his hands flew over the keys like birds
his arms stirred the air"
as though now was the sign of loss
everything reminded her
old folded program, yellowed linens, lace
(my history I do not write)
I was a photograph
sitting across from her
we never spoke ourselves
what do
you hear in that recollection?
a universe
strewn in minute threads
the thrum of infolded worlds
I hear rain dropping through trees
that never reaches the ground
leaves are shaking
the mask of desire suspends itself
as skin separates from the body
is this renewal? seeing in the dark
you must visualize
the room illuminated
I can imagine only rising
action: when the past
intrudes as a face on canvas
opening a snuff box, I say tell me
the story of the red glasses, but he
cannot accept me as I was
no last rites or first—
was it a mistake to permit his gaze?
should I have turned his face to the wall?
a lacemaker¹s quick knots and holes
make a dozen universes
co-existing with the visible
to nod us toward the cover, the exposé
that brought us here
the difference
between lace and paper is nostalgia
One night
our headlights found a saw-whet owl silhouetted on the shining
blacktop as though inviting itself to be held. We thought to stop on the
wet road, scoop it into our hands. Its head nearly half the size of its
body, like a baby. But some part must be mystery, so we drove on.
the breeze gleams, blows us ahead of ourselves
blue scroll unrolls from the ground
root and filament
beyond parched air, burned grass
hibiscus opens and drops its coral chambers
even as they intercede for us under elms
even as they wait, the dead have their own ideas:
the cooking and the washing up.
Set your boat upon water and row to
a place
where trees circle green around you."
I brought forth gave me life.
What I did not bring
forth killed me. "
could not cut enough out of me.
nails tore at the tenderest spot.
skin was parchment then."
sing. set your boat upon water
Dear One,
You think
the shadow completes
its own mark of abandon.
The world outside your door
is not of houses or streets.
Though you enter the clarity of
morning, your hair blows over your face.
Still you see everything.
What do you know besides
fear and despair?
Well, maybe you know
your joy, maybe not.
Always there is more seeing
than knowing, and now
seeing has become a distraction.
This morning on the bridge
if the five senses unite with the wound,
healing may begin.
the same
I was a
shadow waiting for my life to begin
Dear One,
You think
this is where you live:
crickets skittering in heat, call of the crow
dry roots and dwindling mosses,
moths folded in rocks. The air is full of insects
in a time you cannot control.
You manipulate space as a vast desperation
of silk, an acceptable illusion
obsessed not with the speed of machines
but with unstoppable craving.
And when you have enough,
when will you have enough?
I was a man consumed
and now I am the illustrious dead.
The object unaware of its own abandon
relinquishes itself unknowingly
as a child without trust,
nothing held still, nothing walking away.
Still, cars pass and the street exists by name,
the houses by address.
The rest goes unremarked.
is a false integrity
one path traverses all parts
of the maze, names
of the master-builders erased
friction of feet walking the stones
shadow of my mother¹s hair
shaken over my brow stirs
the air, a comet in twilight
binding, unbinding what is loose
at sea: you will raise the boats
you will command the angels—
make a clean breast
awful goddess of mortal speech.