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   Literary and All Genres

Using the model-and-context pedagogical approach, students focus on the writing of publishable work within their chosen genre. Students analyze and discuss novel elements, narrative, prose style, and techniques learned from the following authors, and while performing the following workshop exercises:

1. What The Successful Author Must Possess
Purpose in Writing, Knowledge, "The Plan," Notes, The Single Best Author Tool

Exercise: Students and instructor evaluate and discuss current synopsis and major structural elements of the novel. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

2. Drama's Most Powerful Elements in The Novel
Drama Theory, Statement of Conflict, Rising Action, 15 Steps of Complication, Reader Reaction Flow, Scene Analysis Dryden, H. Miller, Krutch, Kesey

Exercise: Students will devise one major complication, sketch one "rising action" scene, list and briefly describe all crucial scenes in the novel. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

3. The Intellectual Trace of Theme
Statement of Theme, Importance, Application and Representation Malraux, West, Kesey, Ionesco

Exercise: Creation of a primary "theme statement," listing and explanation of major theme elements, and follow-up discussion. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

4. Know Your Story, Know Your Characters
Animation Sketching, Social Reaction Profile, Epiphany and Emotional Evolution, Sympathetic Protagonist in First 15 pages Haddon, Kidd, Patchett, Albom, Fitzgerald, West

Exercise: Animation sketches of major characters. Creation of illustrative anecdotes. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

5. Plot Devices and Other Needs
Scene Construction, Verisimilitude, POV, Masking, Forshadow, Timesim, Exposition, Surprise, Minor Complication, Character Transformation Zola, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Ibsen, O'Connor, R.P. Warren, West, Knowles, Nabokov

Exercise: Diagram a prototype plot flow. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

6. Story Enhancement Courtesy Mr. Graves
Stages of an event, seeding of minor complications and sub-events, anecdotal devices, imagery, details, the human condition R. Graves

Exercise: Given background, students will write one anecdote or scene. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

7. Strong Narrative Through Synergy
Delayed Cognition, Variable Tense, Spatial-temporal Transitions, Irreal Tone, Sentence Embellishment, Importance of Subject Matter, Narrative Styles Puig, Godwin, Kosinski, Kingsolver, Updike, Proulx, Marquez, Calvino, Brontë

Exercise: Given prose enhancement guide, students will practice descriptive narrative variations. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

8. Dialogue: Never a Gratuitous Word
Major Functions, Need for Inclusion of Specific Elements, Types of Dialogue, Narrative Interjections R. Price, Joyce, T. Williams, Hemingway

Exercise: Given scenario and characters, students will write one major scene with dialogue. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

9. Prose Narrative Enhancement
Prose drills, prose narrative guides, sentence types and exercises, plus suspense techniques of surreal description, suggestion, pondering, foreshadow, character, motifs, provocation Shakespeare, Roethke, Welty, M. Martone, McInerney, Kesey, O'Connor

Exercise: Specific drills/exercises to hone writing style and narrative choice. Additional reading assignments and discussion questions.

10. Scenes and Structure Lock-Down
Students complete scene exercises, lock-down complication and story structure of the novel-in-progress

Exercise: Discussion/overview of scene exercises and novel structure.


Web del Sol/Algonkian Workshops
2020 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Suite 443
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: 1-800-250-8290