Join us on January 5, 2007, from 7 to 9, to kick off the new year with an evening of readings from Barrelhouse issue three, at the KGB Bar in New York City. Come see/hear authors Greg Ames, Paul Hostovsky, Jennifer L. Knox, Joe Oestrich, Catie Rosemurgy, and Wendy Wimmer. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder at the image of a man giving Ed Asner a spongebath, you'll barrelhouse all night long. KGB Bar info here.
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We're now closed for everything but art. Sorry about that, but it's time for our long winter's nap, and when we wake up, we're planning to unveil a fancypants new online submissions system. We still need art and artists, though!
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Our ears are burning -- people are talking, and they're saying some pretty nice stuff. Stuff like "delivers perceptive writing and art in a well-designed format." Or "humor, kitsch, quirk and so much more under the surface." The Washington Post has even weighed in, saying Barrelhouse "has published the best four poems about
Ed Asner that I've ever read."
Click here to read about how goddam great we are for your own self.
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Barrelhouse is currently seeking artists to work on story intros and other pieces for our next few issues. All styles welcome. Click here for more information.
Fake Fire and Rescue
by Blake Butler
We bought the truck for $2440 and a handshake. It wasn't the perfect shape but it would come off fine during the nighttime, when all you need is silhouette.
>> click
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Seven Reasons Jerome Likes Sizzler
by Tom Lavagnino
Reason one: The tables. The tables at Sizzler are huge. Jerome has his favorite. In the corner, near the window.
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Celebrity Hit Man, Complete Season One DVD Box Set: A Review That Could Happen
by J. Chris Rock
The glamorous bloodshed of Celebrity Hit Man has finally come to DVD, and not a hunted heartbeat too soon, in my opinion.
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Studios 1, Acclaimed Writer/Director 0, Audiences: Screwed.
by Aaron Pease
Demonic possession is making a comeback in Hollywood, both benign (Tom Cruise possessing Katie Holmes's soul) and malignant (Mel Gibson snarling and contorting and railing against Jews and calling females "sugartits"...wait, what's that? He wasn’t possessed? Oh.).
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Barrelhouse Print Issue 3 Artists: Tracy Lee, Bruce New, and Greg Wasserstrom
Check out the artists who contributed to Barrelhouse issue three.
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