Cimarron Review
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Issue #153: Fall 2005

     Terry Ann Thaxton - Four Poems           
     Reginald Shepherd - Matthew's June Pantoum
     Eva Saulitis - It Goes Out: A Prayer
     Ben Berman - Four Poems
     Jeanne Larsen - Two Poems
     Ruth Ellen Kocher - Two Poems
     Ethan J. Hon - Science of the Very Small
     Joanna Ialuna - For the Lost
     Virgil Suárez - The Art of Sniping
     Yahia S. Lababidi - Two Poems
     Brian Leary - 1946 Pentimento on the Delaware
     Michael Robins - Maps of New Jersey Inside the Palm
     Adam Chiles - Tucson Elegy
     Ayelet Amittay - Washing Machine
     Denise Bergman - Mapreader
     Gretchen Primack - Space Exploration
     Gaylord Brewer - I Will Listen
     Susan Lewis - Passion Play
     Gillian Parish - In Which She Speaks of Surrounding
                                    or Intermediate Powers
     Anthony Butts - Eight Modes Toward Desire

     Jim Zervanos - These are Ancient Faces
     Dorene O'Brien - Behind the Photograph
     Jay Ponteri - Have You Seen My Dog?
     MaryJo Mahoney - The Listening Circle

     CL Bledsoe - Forrest City

     Shane Brown - Superior, Nebraska

Contributor's Notes

Cimarron Review
205 Morrill Hall
English Department
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK  74078