Jen Tynes



Approximately one-fourth of us is ungendered until an approach. A pass. Animals in captivity are typically expected to move in circles but we wanted to build something strange. Rusty algebra, a sagging part, inside he always hoped it would show its ass good. What it meant to suggest the sun rises and sets. Depending on her blush. The first atomic bomb, prepared by people, was dropped on Hiroshima seconds late. The developers were fond of their grandmothers but still the pipes. Weren’t deep enough. Burned it off.


We pull fat ticks from the dogs, the babies, one another’s scalp. Danger shifts on the radio, my hands accept pleasure from being tied. Swimming last night until. Do not remember. What it feels like beneath my feet. In Italy buildings do not have a floor, hotels do not have a room, and airplanes do not have a row. It was over the fence and that is why we noticed when it was absent but not whether it had its faculties. Or was only a muscular contraction. Some grow back some bury their heads in the garden, as the story goes, until nightfall.


We read minutes until it feels like an anniversary and then it is always paper, getting older. According to a chart on the wall, when it doubles you should extend right fingers into a steeple, left palm down, engage. A space will inhabit itself if nothing else insists. Water is more akin to a heart attack. She was fond of the access and she was shoulder-high, calling back until he was degenerated. There must be after all a father. A certain name you call and even a stranger has to hear there are two breathing patterns inside. There are methods of strangulation. Or its nearest subtitle: strange me, strange me now.


Last in the row is a magnified eye that bobs on a blank stalk, breaking a lash of girls. Sometimes there is no choice, the rest of your life vibrating out of some hole. Imposed upon, a tangle. Of repetition and intent. It is divisive even to know how division works, what names. The paralympics games consisted of sports: archery, athletics, basketball, boccia, cycling, equestrian, fencing, football, goalball, judo, lawn bowls, powerlifting, shooting, swimming, table tennis, tennis, volleyball. The strongest muscle is a sentimental. Open but for those stark.


A code moves between places and then place is set. It took less than a year away from each other for a father to stop recognizing a mother. In her face. The way a weight is dropped. There are towns in the world with more telephone numbers than inhabitants. They rock at each end and finally in the center. Scrap candles all balled up. Frozen u-pipes. The necks of plastic jugs.


If the smalls of our backs were both painted gold we would become identical. Unable to respirate, or also breathless. A marathon runner who paced our field dropped a foot every season until it rained. Until it rained, he washed the cows’ broad hides in slow circles. A finger in the roan. Girls possess (on average) square feet of skin. Unlike bolts in the back, of everything against them light moves through.


The places we have scars from aren’t telling what they made. Fourty-two city blocks with a burden, all morning I bled new sweaters in the sink. Foreign white terrain. Trash that presupposes boxsprings. We just need a place to settle in. It took a woman years to realize that her husband was actually a woman who used "an artificial penis." The fact of the translation is in the feet that connect to, the port that divorces, my big guns. I wonder were they careful, did it fill up the whole house.



Some things that can be found in nature can also be found on the internet. This particular poem comes in all shapes and sizes, and it grew out of envy of another man's list. For example, the mummy of King Tutankhamen was wrapped in seventeen sheets. And there are seventeen towns in the world with more phone numbers than inhabitants.