


* We believe in the serial comma.

* We prefer to avoid dishing about our contributors' undoubtedly impressive degrees, as we just don't care that much.

Glenn Bach is a poet, composer, and visual artist with an MFA in Drawing and Painting. Excerpts from his current project, Atlas Peripatetic, have appeared in DIAGRAM, Aught, and in a future issue of Chiron Review. [email]

Karen Carcia lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Lyndsey Cohen, from Atlanta, GA, has work published in Skein and Sentence, and is an assistant editor for Verse. [email]

Carrie Comer lives in Miami Beach. So in the last two years, she became a swing stater, and recently came to think that's not so cool after all.

Melissa Constantine recently graduated from Hampshire College where she concentrated in philosophy and art. She works primarily in installation and performance media. She is the co-creator and Editor-In-Chief of Line Magazine, a critical arts paper in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She lives and works in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota.

Mark Cunningham lives in the Charlottesville, VA area. Lately his musical listening has become evenly split between Brian Eno and Merzbow, a combination he recommends highly. Poems have appeared in Paragraph and Rhino; a larger selection, of poems on parts of the body, is on the Mudlark website. [email]

Michelle Detorie is the writer-in-residence at the Katherine Anne Porter House in Kyle, TX. [email]

Alice George's poetry and collaborative work has appeared in such magazines as Denver Quarterly, Another Chicago Magazine, Quarter After Eight, New Orleans Review, Faultline, Sentence, and Spoon River Poetry Review. She is an editor of RHINO and works as poet-in-residence in Chicago-area schools. [email]

Kate Greenstreet is a painter and graphic designer. Her poems have appeared or will soon in Conduit, Pool, Octopus, The Massachusetts Review, can we have our ball back?, GutCult, Bird Dog, and other journals. Her first book, case sensitive, is forthcoming from Ahsahta Press in March 2006. [email]

Molly Bianca Gross has published two chapbooks (glass, Maybe and Perpendicular) and is currently at work on a poetry collection in search of a publisher. She lived in Germany between 1989 and 2000 (Berlin, Böhlen/Thuringia, Leipzig, and Aachen). Nowadays, she lives and works in Brooklyn. [email]

Jayson Iwen lives in Lebanon, with his wife and three cats, where he teaches at the American University of Beirut. He's had work recently published in journals such as Clackamas Literary Review, Fence, New American Writing, and Third Coast. He's the featured writer of the latest issue of Knock, where you can find more poems from the "60" series & related commentary. He's a reporter for the Emergency Almanac & Hare-Raiser for the Beirut Tarboush Hash House Harriers. [email]

Melanie Jordan is currently happy and living in a remodeled railroad house in a quaint Houston neighborhood. She now teaches at the University of Houston and in the Houston Community College System and is working on a Ph.D. as well as her enchilada recipe. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Iowa Review, Black Warrior Review, Southeast Poetry Review, Crab Orchard Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, and others. She edits Gulf Coast and Lyric.

C. F. Kimball was raised in Minnesota, Ohio, Iowa, and Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hayden's Ferry Review, Rattapallax, and Luna. She lives in the Como Park neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota. [email]

David Koehn's poetry has been published in a wide range of journals including Artful Dodge, Painted Bride, and Alaska Quarterly Review. David also won the Midnight Sun Chapbook Contest, held by Permafrost of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His longer manuscript was a finalist in both The Bluestem Award and the National Poetry Series competitions. He was a Breadloaf Rural Teacher Fellow at Middlebury's Breadloaf School of English. [email]

Shawn McLain lives Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and is a student of English at Southeast Missouri State University. Previously published by 2River View, The Bathyspheric Review, The Beat, and several other online publications. Sponsored by River Styx in July of 2004 to read work at Duff's Restaurant in St. Louis, Missouri. An editor of the online webzine, Ligature. Loves coffee. Hates sleep. [email]

Gordon Moyer is writing an article for a mathematics magazine on his vectorial approach to deriving the modern equations of transformation from the ancient Greek Menelaus Figure. He is also preparing an illustrated survey of oblique Cartesian coordinate conversions, a subject which has, despite its conceptual significance, virtually disappeared from geometry textbooks. Moyer continues to paint still-lifes and compile a book of his original aphorisms, some of which appear monthly in his hometown, Tucson. His latest aphorism is this: "Only when the ocean-liner of life grinds against the iceberg of the mind do we glimpse at all the grim volume of the subconscious." His work has previously appeared in DIAGRAM.

Nate Pritts is originally from Syracuse, NY, but lives now in Natchitoches, LA, where he teaches at Northwestern State University. Most recently, poems have been in/will be in Rattle, 5AM, Solo, MiPOesias, and Forklift, Ohio with critical work appearing in New Writing (UK) & Midwest Quarterly; his chapbook, The Happy Seasons, is online in its entirety from Swannigan & Wright. Nate is also the editor & sole shareholder of H_NGM_N, an online journal of poetry, poetics &c. [email]

Mary Ann Rockwell, who lives in Albany, New York, has tried a lot of different things, (OK, such as Argentine Tango and energy healing) but has pretty much always been a poet. If you like this poem, she has a whole book waiting for someone to publish it: The School of Half-life. Her work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Born Magazine, The Louisville Review, The Comstock Review, Pharos, Ellipses, and The Widener Review, among others.

Jason Sanford's short stories have been published in the Mississippi Review, Pindeldyboz, Beloit Fiction Journal, Ache Magazine, and other literary journals. He is the winner of a Minnesota State Arts Board Fellowship and edits the literary journal storySouth. [email]

Ron Singer, jack-of-all-genres, has published stories (two), satires (four), poems (about fifteen), essays about Africa (many) and an Intro. to Thackeray's Vanity Fair (Bantam). He has just completed Carla, the Copy-Shop Girl, his third libretto. The first two, Rimshot and Deeds, became operas which were produced. Singer lives in New York City, where he has taught English at Friends Seminary since 1976.

Wendy Collin Sorin, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, has collaborated with writers on several artists' books including Strange Things Begin to Happen When a Meteor Crashes in the Arizona Desert, ABZU (with Michael Basinski), and Ghost of a Chance (with Robert Miltner.) In 2000, she was an artist-in-residence in Dresden, Germany. This annual printmakers exchange between the Grafikwerkstatt and Zygote Press of Cleveland is sponsored by the Ohio Arts Council.

Sara Jane Stoner, a native of Fort Fun, Colorado, struggles to discover whom, by blood relation, spiritual affiliation, or mere friendly association, she can alternately kiss and strangle in recompense. She is an associate editor and reviewer of fiction and poetry for Indiana Review, and her poems have appeared in Good Foot and Phoebe. [email]

Matt Vadnais was born in Minnesota and educated in North Dakota, Iowa, and Idaho. He has worked professionally as an actor, security guard, radio personality, and dancing coyote. He currently teaches and writes in Port Angeles, Washington, where he lives with his wife, the poet Mary Ann Hudson. All I Can Truly Deliver, a fiction collection, will be published by Del Sol Press in February 2005.

Blake Walmsley is a systems administrator in Northern Virginia, where he rides a desk, stares at monitors, and responds to the sound of his beeper with pavlovian alacrity. His writing has appeared in The Quarterly, Pudding Magazine, BriX, Zygote in My Coffee, and a handful of others. He is an editor for The Potomac. [email]

Derek White has some publications available from Calamari Press and edits SleepingFish. He lives in NYC.