(a book lost from public libraries) purports the best camouflage lies in leaves (diagrammed in numerology and order). It states: plant close to home and fodder with stuffed animals lost in childhood. It admits open bushes work as long as proper contortions are performed (illustrated in the appendix). Those highly trained in bushology achieve the ability to mimic the sound of memory (chapter 4). The introduction cautions: surveillance abuse leads to addiction, that bushes will eject those hidden, make useless. Out of print (photocopies—often incomplete—exist) first editions line libraries of schools moved over seas, always over the next sea. Those who know nothing of this art have seen bushes. Masters in palm fronds twist into a lion eating an alligator (as embossed on the cover). An essay on the theory of the text claims commoners can sense being surveyed by rolling back their eyes and standing like a bird ____ This poem began as a sort of anti-meditation on meditation. I have yet to look for this text on the internet. And, of course, I love asparagus soup, which everyone should at least try. |