

Dobson, Dr. James C., Straight Talk to Men and their Wives, Waco: World Books, 1981.


There's another aspect of the male-female relationship that should also be discussed for the man who wants to understand his wife. Appreciation is expressed to the well-known author Dr. Dennis Guernsey for calling to my attention the reseach by [Boyd C.] Rollins and [Kenneth L.] Cannon [in the Journal of Marriage and the Family Man, 1974] and others which reveals a contrasting pattern of "personal satisfaction" by husbands and wives.

The chart [at right] will illustrate this contrasting job satisfaction by men and women. Obviously the point of greatest danger occurs in the late thirties and forties, when the wife is most dissatisfied with her assignment and the husband is most enthralled with his....

A message to the husbands of Christian homemakers: It is high time you realized that your wives are under attack today!