

DIAGRAM features shorter reviews (400-600 words) of recent and occasionally not-so-recent books in every issue, as well as longer (2000-4000 words), essay-type reviews (often on more than one book, with a wider lens) as the mood strikes us. Reviews aren’t limited to books: we also like reviews of things not-so-book (name your poison there), as long as it entertains, shocks, provokes and informs. We like reviews that play with the genre, transcend the genre, do something unusual or fun, or just plain rock. We are particularly interested in reviews using unusual or unique forms.

Books to be reviewed may be sent to the address below. We are particularly interested in: things experimental, work that plays with or investigates the idea of genre, work that transcends genre, work that is in some way visual, work that does something fun or unusual, or work that simply rocks. First books are a plus if they are good. If they suck, we don't need to see them. DIAGRAM contributors of course are particularly welcome to send their books our way. Fiction, poetry, essay, science writing, and anything else is fair game. Instructional manuals. Architecture. Books on ice. Design. Quantum mechanics. And the list goes on. Our arms are very open.

Unsigned reviews are written by our staff. Longer and non-staff reviews are signed and written by people we think do good and interesting work. If you're interested in writing reviews for us, please query the Reviews Editor, Pablo Peschiera, at the email address just below. Tell us why. Previous credits and such. All reviews are subject to editing. Solicitation is no guarantee of publication.

Queries go to reviews[at]thediagram.com

Books go to: Pablo Peschiera, Reviews Editor, DIAGRAM // English // Hope College // P.O. Box 9000 // Holland Michigan 49422-9000

We don't typically accept unsolicited reviews, but we do read queries. We try to avoid conflicts of interest, but we like what we like, and sometimes that's by people we like. That is, we call 'em like we see 'em. Our reviewers are many and varied.