An old woman was absentmindedly
stirring a pot with a dog’s tail.
When her husband asked her about the furry
stirrer she said, It’s the
dog’s tail, it came off in my hand.
When her husband asked her what she was stirring
she said she didn’t
know, that all her thoughts were now for the dog’s tail.
When her husband noticed that the dog was
in the pot she said, Oh, is that where he is? I wondered where
he got without his tail.
Her husband said, I’ll bet he likes that, being stirred with his own
tail. It’s sort of like the tail wagging the dog.
The old woman said, I was just petting him,
and it came off in my hand. I hope God wasn’t looking.
Her husband suggested that perhaps it wasn’t the dog’s tail that
broke off, but rather the dog that broke off. . . .