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PP / FF Links The Editors

PP/FF Group:

A Yahoo discussion group that brings together the various writers, editors, publishers, scholars, etc. who are currently involved in the writing, publishing, and study of prose poetry, flash fiction, and related evolving forms.


A brand new print publication focused solely on prose poetry. Each issue includes new poems, interviews, reviews, essays, and guest commentary.

magazine minima:

An online journal of small and potent micro-fiction, prose poetry, and other fragmentary experimentations/distillations.

Margin to Margin:

A publisher of chapbooks devoted to work that explores the borders between poetry and prose.

Quick Fiction:

A biannual print publication featuring stories and narrative prose poems under 500 words.


A print journal of prose poetics dedicated to reviews, essays, discussions, emerging forms, and the publication of traditional prose poetry and experimental work that extends the conceptions of what a prose poem is or can be.

Vestal Review:

A quarterly e-zine devoted to flash fiction and short-short stories.

Wild Strawberries:

A journal of flash fiction and prose poetry published biannually in New Orleans.