Caskets thongs slippers t-shirts shields flowers candles wax
from the ears of an old man mustard jalapenos percussion books
discs salt fountains car tires dry autumn leaves wet everything
entering the dark throat of intelligence autumn leaves cymbals
corn on the cob frozen chicken breast checkbook bare feet toothpaste
cats sweaters hiking boots condoms wooden legs garbanzo beans torn
magazines fathomless bottles to clear the head of doubt
Headlights combs shoelaces paper clips diet cokes pumpkin pie
guitar strings sleeping cats black widows centipedes the silent
tide of the finger threading through the nightmare that sings of
a braver time a fat cardinal nickels dimes postage stamps eyebrows
toy soldiers soda pop cans torn muscles scientists frowning water
bottles unpaid rent each muscle adjusting the spark graduation
invitation wrong thought missed streetlight low-class neighbors
Muddy umbrella piano confiscated baseball caps the spinning of
the heart toward erasure a boring clock shame under the collar
plastic whistle digital camera a circle of jealous friends laundry
soap lone staircases nervous laughter eyeglasses candy skulls a
rush of blood to the head parking tickets canned pickles unannounced
relatives screen doors aluminum foil crossed eyes crossed shoelaces
ceiling fans lips after a kiss smoked-out rooms
Child chosen comic books stolen checkbook realization before investigation
avocados scrambled eggs slow daylight mustard dreaming in the refrigerator
outdated heads searching for a lethal way to see calendar denial
of benefits salmon trout eels fingernails downstairs whispers leotards
hairbrush heirloom necklace grandparent migration grandparent immigration
missed lay-up called back touchdown third strike airline ticket
Frightening decision by an old man tired curtains attractive knee
deaf mute sneeze political awareness lemon drops origami frogs
broken videotape famous figure equation solved crossed fingers
dynamic institutions engraved oath bleeding toenail parted clouds
motorboat old man who never falls despite his collection of sky
houses old suspenders dead wives ancient widower vision carrying
him across the door