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Winning Poems for June 2007
Judge Bryan Appleyard

First Place
Bad Weather
by Dale McLain
Wild Poetry Forum

"A simple idea very well executed. Weather is a perennial subject for poetry. Here it is evoked almost as a conversation - both with the poet and with her house. The house 'remembers' and 'begs' while the poet is driven to introspection and prayer by the storm. Rhymically controlled and very firm in its imagery, this is a satisfying poem." --Bryan Appleyard

Second Place
The Daughter of Antiochus
by Adam Elgar
Writer's Block

"This is a dramatic monologue, a difficult form that requires restraint - otherwise the tone of voice and the character collapses. Here the tone of well preserved and we get a real sense of the woman's bitterness and disappointment. There are several wonderful effects - 'like a skin/shedding its snake' and I lie the 'ex-beauty tottering on his arm'." --Bryan Appleyard

Third Place
by Kathy Earsman
Mosaic Musings

"Normally I'm allergic to this kind of crisis/reportage poetry, but I know this is my failing. In this case, the narrative is well handled and the tension and horror build inexorably. The danger with this kind of subject matter is that it can turn into just a kind of scream. Much more effective is to contain the feeling within the structure of the poem, exactly what the poet achieves here." --Bryan Appleyard

Honorable Mention
Rhythmically Inapposite
by Michael McRandall
Pen Shells

Honorable Mention
56 and Sunny
by Mitchell Geller
About Poetry Forum

Honorable Mention
Rapunzel at 49 Learns to Dance the Tarantella
by Laurie Byro
Desert Moon Review

Honorable Mention
Songs from Stephen King's Knapsack III: Insomnia
by Gary Blankenship
Blue Line

Winning Poems

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