Jim Ruland, whose story "The Streets of San Francisco 1977" appears in the "Multi-Ethnic Anthology" has received a 2004 Literature Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. Joseph M. Faria's poetry collection The Long Way Home was published by Lit Pot Press in 2003. His "Multi-Ethnic Anthology" story is "Saudade." Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's short story "The American Embassy" was selected for O. Henry Prize Stories 2003. Her novel Purple Hibiscus was published in October by Algonquin Press in 2003. Her story "My Mother the Crazy African" appears in IPR's "Multi-Ethnic Anthology." Xujun Eberlein, whose novel Disciple of the Masses was excerpted in the "Work in Progress" section of Issue 14 and also appears in "The Multi-Ethnic Anthology, was among the finalists in the 2003 William Faulkner Creative Writing Competition. Neil Grimmett's novel The Bestowing Sun has been accepted for publication by Flame Books, UK. His short story "Cavities" appeared in Issue 9. Jennifer Prado's short-story collection, Electronic Fiction, is available at Pulpbits. Her story, "Sorte," appears in Issue 16.
Maryanne Stahl's 2nd novel, The Opposite Shore was published by Penguin-Putnam in October, 2003, and is reviewed in Issue 17.
Sefi Atta, whose story "Social Interaction" appeared in Issue 14 and the "Multi-Ethnic Anthology", placed third in the 2003 Zoetrope All-Story Short Story Contest with "The Miracle Worker." Garth Greenwell's poem from our Celan Section in a past issue is feautured with a link to In Posse at Verse Daily/Monthly, where they feature famous poets from magazines and books. The paperback version of James Sallis's Himes biography was published in the fall of 2003, reissues of two earlier novels out in uniform trade paperback will coincide with publication of a new novel. He has sold six novels to Spain, publication of one in Argentina brought a marvelous interview/profile in the Buenos Aires newspaper, and another great two-part interview appeared in the Luxembourg newspaper La Voix. Meanwhile the Boston Globe has contracted with him for a monthly books column. This column will join his columns for F&SF and Web Del Sol. Robert Gibbons has new work on: Slow Trains, Jack, Small Spiral Notebook, The Drunken Boat and The American Journal of Print. Gayle Brandeis's novel, The Book of Dead Birds won the 2002 Bellwether Prize for Fiction. Congratulations also to Cynthia Hogue, whose book of poetry Flux was published in 2002 by New issues press, Cynthia is also a co-editor with Laura Hinton of We Who Love to Be Astonished: Experimental Women's Writing and Performance Poetics. Daniel Olivas's first short story collection was accepted for publication by Bilingual Press. The collection is called, "Assumption and Other Stories, and with it, Daniel was one of ten finalists in the 2000 Willa Cather Fiction Contest. Bilingual Press is an award-winning publishing house run under the auspices of Arizona State University. Shelley Berc has a string of stories from her novel, Light and its Shadow in WDS Del Sol Review (Issue 8), other chapters of this book appeared in Linnaean Street (April 2002) and Tatlin's Tower (August 2002). Suzanne Frischkorn's "The Girl on a Bridge" was selected from In Posse and linked on MobyLives, a weekly column about books and writers that appears in newspapers, alternative news weeklies, and on-line journals. Check out MobyLives. Daniel Olivas's short story, "The Plumed Serpent of Los Angeles," is included in the anthology, Fantasmas: Supernatural Stories by Mexican American Writers, edited by Rob Johnson with an introduction from Kathleen Alcala. The anthology is published by award winning Bilingual Press (Arizona State University). The collection features nineteen short stories by established and emerging writers including Stephen D. Gutierrez, David Rice, and Elva Trevino Hart, to name a few. The book has received glowing reviews from Booklist and the Library Journal and can be purchased from any bookstore or online sellers such as We congratulate our regular author, Garth Greenwell. Garth won The Rella Lossy Poetry Award 2001 from The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives. Garth's award winning chapbook will be published soon by San Francisco State University Press. Read Garth's essay on the work of poet Frank Bidart in this issue.
Congratulations to Katie Towler whose first novel, Snow Island, was published by MacAdam/Cage Publishing and has received distinctions from "Barnes and Nobles Discovery" and "Book Sense 76," and has appeared on regional best-seller lists.
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Also, warm congratulations to Mary Rakow whose novel, Memory Room, published by Counterpoint Press. We are proud to be have been first to publish a section from Mary's novel, Lectures on Dirt, in In Posse Review. We are also proud to announce that C.J. Sage, our regular contributor, had her first book of poetry, Let's Not Sleep, appear in January 2003. Ms. Sage's poem in this issue of In Posse Review, "Bridge Ghazal," is also be included in that fine collection. Laure-Anne Bosselaar's book of poems, Small Gods of Grief has just been published by the BOA Editions Ltd. and is a winner of 2001 Isabella Gardner Poetry Award. We are proud to say that several major poems from Small Gods of Grief have been previously published in In Posse Review and also in our Multi Ethnic Anthology. Warm congratulations to Andrena Zawinski who has a poetry chapbook released by Pudding House Publications as a part of their POETS GREATEST HITS national archiving project. She also won a first and second prize in the Bay Area Poets Coalition poetry competition. We like to mention good news about all our contributors on this page. Please notify us with news of your publications, awards, and updates.
Your Editor,
In Posse: Potentially, might be ... |