After She Left
By the time that his girlfriend's foot was on the last step of his staircase, his hand was already running down his front and straight
into his pants.
At the very moment that his girlfriend's key was sliding in his lock
to pull the front door shut behind her, he was already grabbing at himself
faster than a sailor tossing buckets of water out of a drowning boat.
As his girlfriend walked through his front gate, his mind was already
engulfed in the specter of the naked lady from the dirty magazine who
wanted nothing more out of his life than to be plundered in her happy
valley by
his 7.2 earthquake until the banks of her running rivers
And so, when his girlfriend, finally, drove away from his house and
to the freeway in the distance, he was already spouting like a spigot and
he was already wondering if there was any way he could shoot a part of
himself out his front door and down the road to deluge her with this
terrible mess he was now spurting uncontrollably in her
absence, so that she would not be able to leave, but she would only sit, stranded, waiting in her car in this sticky puddle of his.
Out in the real world, though, by the time his girlfriend had packaged
herself neatly inside of her car, her hand was up on her own chest
for her heartbeat, and she was wondering if it would be today that
terrorist act would be directed straight down at her from the pale
up above, or if, in an end for her that she would never be able to
it would be a heart attack, or cancer, or maybe a traffic accident
Susannah Breslin is a Los Angeles-based writer whose short stories have
appeared in Nerve, FC2's Chick Lit 2 postfeminist fiction anthology,
Exquisite Corpse, Minima, 3AM, Alt-X, and forthcoming in Sudden Stories: A
Mammoth Anthology of Miniscule Fiction. Currently, she is at work on a book
titled Reverse Cowgirl.
In Posse:
Potentially, might be ...