EDITOR OPINES We are delighted that In Posse has been listed in Top 5 Web Sites by Suite101.com. Please send comments on the work found on In Posse to Ilya Kaminsky or Rachel Callaghan, putting the editor's name in the subject line. There's a lot of wonderful things to say about this issue! In Posse is pleased to announce a new section to be edited by James Sallis, author of multiple collections of poems, essays and stories and nine novels including the acclaimed Lew Griffin series, translator of Raymond Queneau, columnist for The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Web Del Sol and the Boston Globe. Jim's section will be dedicated to crime stories, fantasy and science fiction. Literature, he says, is a buffet table piled high with cold cuts, vegetables, cheese, sweets: you walk around it, take what you need. To submit, send stories 3,500 words or less in body of email and with "Attention James Sallis" in the subject line to submissions. Joan Wilking, Senior Fiction editor, is interested in the effect of Sept. 11 on the work of writers. Please see "Writers on 9/11" Another new section, Works In Progress and Works in Print is the brain-child of our editor Anna Sidak. Work In Progress will feature exciting work being developed by writers, most often excerpts from novels--send in your comments. Work In Print features work that has survived by merit of readability: the clear presentation of ideas filtered through the unique point of view of an extraordinary writer. Put them side by side and tell us what you think. The Poetry Section of this issue includes a tribute to the poet Anthony Piccione. In Posse Review, along with United Poets Coalition and Small Spiral Notebook, will co-sponsor The Anthony Piccione Memorial Award, given annually to a younger poet. The 2002 Award Includes a publication of online poetry chapbook edition by www.smallspiralnotebook.com, a publication of one poem in In Posse Review, and one of the last signed copies of Anthony Piccione's book of poems, For The Kingdom, as well as a small collection of signed books by other nationally acclaimed authors who support this Award. The Judges for the 2002 Award will include: Thom Ward (author of two books of poems and Editor at BOA Editions), Katherine Towler (award winning novelist and poet), Andrena Zawinski (award winning poet and Features Editor of Poetry Magazine), Erin Elizabeth (Editor of Stirring: A Literary Collection), and Colleen Royr (Publisher and Editor of Andirondack Review). For more information about The Anthony Piccione Memorial Award, please visit: United Poets and Small Spiral Notebook. In Posse Review is constantly expanding. Our Multi-Ethnic Anthology was the subject of a special coverage on KKUP 91.5 FM, a widely popular "people's radio" in the Bay Area. If you are a teacher and would like to inquire about adopting poems or prose from the Multi-Ethnic Anthology for your classroom curriculum, please write to our chief editor, Rachel Callaghan for details. We are also pleased to note that literary agencies have been writing us for contact material on our authors. In Posse is dedicated to bringing opportunities to writers as well as the best reading for our visitors. For comments, etc., please contact Rachel Callaghan.
In Posse: Potentially, might be ... |