Submission Guidelines: April & May 2008

Submissions are now open for the Summer 2008 edition of In Posse Review.

The theme for this issue will be "Conversations."
We are interested in metaphorical as well as literal interpretations.

POETS: Think about narratives that contain actual conversations or poems that are about a conversation. Consider poems with multiple voices, response poems, ultra talk-style poetry, strange and modern vernaculars. Submit 3-5 poems to In Posse's guest poetry editor, Susan Terris

FICTION WRITERS: We want stories in dialogue or stories that address a particular conversation or conversations.

Submit 1 short story to guest fiction editor, Margaret Kaufman

What we look for: inventive, imaginative work by writers are well-acquainted with the craft of their genre.We encourage you to take risks and walk to the edges.

Work accepted in April & May, 2008. Please indicate if the work has been previsouly published online or in print—and if so, where.

Acceptance of work grants In Posse Review electronic rights for 120 days. There is no remuneration. Author retains right to publish work in print at any time. Work is archived online.

Send questions (but please, no submissions) to: In Posse Editor

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