Thomas inspired by John Granville Gregory’s painting, “Still Doubting” Who would we be if not Thomas and his friends, if not bent over with the wonder of doubt looking for the why in the how of pain, now? Even Argos, so faithful to his master, had to smell his skin to know he had returned in rags, so why would we not need to see where pain moved in to hurt and kill before we knew death could not in its devastation destroy what doubt searches to find? We praise the child inquisitive, question ripe, weighted with fearless lightness, wanting what winning or losing cannot catch: the light a butterfly wings on its way to the song. If we felt no doubt how could we have faith, being then as angels are, not a little less than they who cannot doubt, who need not put on glasses as we Thomases to see? Some try to say faith is like the field we see at dusk or dawn shimmed with sun though brightness alone prevents our eyes, purblind Peters making; the mind of faith (like its very heart) does not its spirit deny any more than gravity space, and so the field at noon revealing the hare’s blasted fur after the hawk has flown is too no less than the hart licked stream running through cool grasses flowing. John Kryder Poems |