How Dumb Can You Be?(For Betty Shabazz)But what he did was so awful.
-- a friend, of John Salvis murder of the abortion clinic nursesThink of him as you would a wild animal -- beautiful,
but you dont want to get too close.
-- a social worker to the mother of a mentally ill man
Whoever gives in to terrorism has to be prepared to do
so many times.
-- Bolivian President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lazada
to stand there in your fast-melting flesh --
smoldering, the papers said -- and cry
what will become of my grandson?
the 12-year-old who made you thus
the boy you asked to save from the daughter
who had already tortured you for years?
As dumb as the preacher who goes to his
mad sons house an unlikely pistol
in his coat pocket hoping to convince
& heal only to be knifed to death?
Like the suburban mom nailed into
a closet by her own boy who a few days
later will hack her & his dad to death?
As dumb as the Salvis thinking its not that bad
that a lot of kids have a hard time adjusting
that maybe some like their John hear blackbirds
speaking. . . . And how dumb am I trying
to save you? But this is not intellect or smarts
this is etched into the brain filaments wires
running deeper than the need to flee:
the small animal defending her young
against eyes bright & yellow against tooth
& claw a beast relentless bigger than
we are always. Always waiting to spring. . . .