The Power Of Love
"I love them as poets love the poetry that kills them, as the drowned sailors love the sea." -- Derek Walcott The boy is clawing his burning sister from the burning sports car (a Triumph I think) -- she's stuck & he's shouting I love you! & she's shouting it back & they're both screaming. But the power of love can't save her -- he socks the cop who drags him away. And for the rest of his life he lives with that guilt: as a young man lying on beaches in strange beds as a father looking into the face of his baby daughter at thirty slurring to the barkeep "another double" pouring into his flesh what he dreams will put out memory. "Oh stop blubbering" the woman with him sulls not caring about how he failed how if he had been a real man (& doesn't he know people don't want to hear about that!?).... Still on his death bed at fifty the slime of cancer filling his lungs his last vision as drowning drowning he goes under is his sister going up in flames & what he hears are her screams: I love you! I love you! & they're both crying & screaming of how the power of love can't save her of how the power of love can't save him.... This is what the boy hears on his death bed & I think how the power of my love can't save you or anyone of how no matter how hard I tug I can't pull you from the blaze of madness of drugs of disease. & how like that boy his sister you too will reach out your arms you too will pull me close to the flames screaming I love you! I love you! How I too will die hearing your cries.
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