The Murderous SkyWith bloodied breasts Magritte's
birds fly upside down amid
rocks against just such cobalt
a sky as killing as this one.
Yet this is not crazed canvas
the outback or a veld but
Exit 68 off I-95 South
Florida Fahrenheit 106. . . .
Yes this is Amerika
land of the Golden Arches
of Waffle Houses of melting
margarine of time shares sold
over glittery formica
of Corvettes Camaros blazing
like comets down ribbons
of asphalt. Where I too speed
The Book of Virtues spinning
on cassette the miles silver
beneath my wheels. And here
into this land of the sun
come these two wretched ones --
burnt flesh served up on the plate
of the dry earth. One staggers
barefoot curls matted skin
smeared as black as an aborigini's
up the embankment. And then
his companion in this hell:
too brown too thin half-clothed
bent over a piece of cardboard. . . .
And all I can think is,
what if one of them had
been you? Dear God, what
if one of them had been you?