Keith the Rancher Tells How The Calves Become Steers
"Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them." - Samuel Butler "...Or if they're young calves we just rope 'em We take 'em back to their mamas a couple of weeks to get healed up from the cuttin' the brandin' -- let'em have some milk get 'em on the grain.... Then when they're yearlin's or short yearlin's we ship 'em out as feeders to Sheridan or some where crowd 'em in there 'bout two thousand to an acre.... It ust to be that we waited longer to build up more muscle 'n all. But now that we can inject 'em with the hormones.... Do they cry when they're taken? You bet! The calves'll holler for a couple a days. And their mamas 'll beller. But that's just instinct the way it is." And besides who but we are their gods?
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