Values, or The Christ Of The White Shag Carpet
"The man in the violent situation reveals those qualities least dispensable in his personality, those qualitie which are all he will have to take into eternity with him." -- Flannery O'Connor The boy in Kansas -- or was it Nebraska? whose two arms were pulled off by the farm machine jerked from their very sockets walked some distance througthe fields just how far was it? into the empty house dialled the phone how? with his nose? then stood in the bathtub until the ambulance came so not to get blood on his mothers wall-to-wall shag Later his arms were reattached which goes to show how if every American boy had values no old ladies would be disembowelled with a poker by a youth who only smirked when questioned handcuffed no three-year-old would have her liver ruptured by the man her mother takes into her bed. . . . No none of this would happen if we all lived in Nebraska & did the right thing if we all had more of those all-American values. And the moral of this story is: don't bleed onto the carpet that perfect cream acrylic that virtuous & unmarked that wall-to-wall white shag that our mothers lived & suffered & died for. And above all don't cry out & then & only then will your original wound be healed your arm if not your heart replaced into its gaping hole. But one last word please: don't believe this: don't believe any of this.
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