"mybrother fears the jukebox in his head..." ____________ Contact RichardBeban | | RichardBeban Allthe Hits All the Time Mybrother fears the jukebox in his head, crankingout perpetual Fifties hits, theechoes of performers long since dead. "Ithink I'm going nuts," he gravely said, "fromFrankie Lymon, all those Coasters bits." Mybrother fears the jukebox in his head iscrowding out the brain cells that instead shouldbe applied to living by his wits, notechoes of performers long since dead. Inhis strained voice I hear that growing dread ofJackie Wilson's apoplectic fits-- mybrother fears the jukebox in his head. Ijoked that he should line his skull with lead, blockFrankie, Ricky, all those other twits-- thoseechoes of performers long since dead. I'llnever cop that I'm forever fed bySixties flashbacks, Cream & acid hits. Idearly love the jukebox in my head, itflies the Airplane & the Grateful Dead.
Dancingwith the One-Legged Man
Whenthe one-legged man suddenly grew hisleg back, everything changed ¬hing. He danced new steps butwith the same herky-jerky, one-pistoned gait. We all sang hosannas for him, clappeda new rhythm tohis step, prayed for lightness. Not that this actually happened, butwhen my friend Jake-- afterthirty years of whining obesity,throwing up in the sink totop off capacious meals, incapacitated bythe slightest hint of the mating dance-- foundSally & she married him, weall hopped the night away like the one-leggedman in that legendary ass-kickingfestival. Not that this lasted--thenight, the dance, or the music. Inside thiswhining fat man was awhining fat man trying toget out. The brief spark snuffedwhen Sally left, tired ofthe piston's monotonous grind& chuff. That's Jakewe see alone again dancing,herky-jerky, still humming theonly tune he knows. TheVoyage LiPo folded his poems into paper boats, setthem out upon the river, uncertain they,he, or the world would survive. Heknew the river merged with something grander,but that was itself a beginning, nota destination at all. By the time the poems arrived,the ink had leached from the sodden paper,pictographs became dark eddies, whirlpoolsinto which meaning was sucked &drowned. The once-words spread like shadowsover the gathered water, broke into waves& set out for distant lands.
Oneof a Chorus of Angels
Iam the angel of doubt whoseslow resurrection isan everyday miracle. Mywings, appearing clipped eachevening, are majestic againby dawn; opaque they blockthe sun. Feel them spread aroundyou, mimicking comfort, familiaras the low murmuring ofmother,as father's hard-won homilies. I teach your true potential,urge you to reach nofarther than you really can. Thisis a hard life, disappointment thefate of most; there is not enoughto go around. Keep your head lowagainst my incorruptible breast, seeksolace in my encircling wings. Iam protection, sweet child, a feather bedfor you to sleep away thetrying, excruciating pain. |