Sweet Life
by Karl E. Birmelin
At 8:00 AM the
alarm clock explodes, telling Parakeet Jells that
it is time to wake up. He hits the snooze button.
At 8:07 the alarm clock explodes again, telling Parakeet
Jells to wake up, or else.
He turns on the television that is tuned
to the weather channel to read the temperature that
politely scrolls across a little blue box on the bottom
of the screen. If the temperature is 10 degrees Fahrenheit
or less, Parakeet Jells will wear his thermal underwear
underneath a pair of cotton khakis and a wool t-shirt.
Over that he will wear either a lambs wool sweater
or a cotton sweatshirt. Wrapped around all this will
be a white suede jacket. If the temperature is between
11 and 32 degrees, he will subtract the thermal underwear.
If the temperature is below 45 but above 32 degrees,
Parakeet Jells will wear a cotton t-shirt and a thin
fleece overcoat. If the temperature is between 46
and 60 degrees, he will wear a thin sweater, no overcoat.
Between 61 and 70, he will wear jeans and a t-shirt.
Anything above 71 degrees, naturally, would be shorts
and t-shirt weather.
At 9:00 AM, 1 hour after waking, Parakeet
Jells will smoke 1 Camel cigarette until he chokes
on the filter. After that, he will smoke 1 cigarette
every 2 hours, the only exception being after meals.
At 3:00 PM, 7 hours after waking, Parakeet
Jells will eat his 1 meal of the day, which will be
composed of a low fat, low calorie, high protein food
product that will hopefully resemble, if only vaguely,
a slab of muscle cut from the hide of some docile
breed of fauna whose race has been reduced to being
raised for the explicit purpose of ritual slaughter.
The docile fauna will not cry. It has no clue what
is going on.
At 8:35 AM Parakeet Jells will get in
his car and drive to work. His seatbelt will be fastened
securely. He will arrive at work within 15 to 20 minutes,
depending on whether or not the blacktopped veins
and arteries he will navigate to get there are congested
or not. He will cruise at a safe yet expeditious pace
of 60 miles per hour, exactly 5 over the speed limit
in order to remain within the legal parameters set
by the Suffolk County Department Of Justice and still
not feel like he is under the thumb of the men with
the guns. They protect him.
When Parakeet Jells arrives at work
he will say “Hello” to every mechanized
piece of meat he makes eye contact with. He will be
a good human being.