by Thaddeus Bower
It was Thursday night
at the 13th Floor, a lounge on the top of the Belvedere
Hotel known for its lavish view of Baltimore. Through
the glass walls, I could see the landmark red neon
Domino Sugar sign shimmering to the south, casting
a warm hue over Federal Hill, and to the north, patches
of yellow-orange lights blinked along the horizon.
It was two days before Christmas.
There was an oval-shaped bar in the
center of the place. Flashing chili pepper lights
hung from miniature palm trees that were placed incidentally
throughout. Women with cleavage bulging from low-cut
dresses were spread out along barstools, flicking
the ashes off their cigarettes. I sat at a table in
the corner facing the distant harbor. A dwarf waitress
wearing a sequined halter-top and tight black velveteen
pants approached me and asked what I wanted to drink.
I ordered a whiskey sour and sparked
a Camel. The place was beginning to fill, but it was
still early. I was waiting for Hannah. She was in
town from Seattle for a week or so to see her family
for the holiday. It’d been since last December
that we’d seen one another, months before my
life had erupted into flames.
The dwarf brought my drink. I handed
her a credit card. She gave me a disgusting wink,
and I thanked her. She waddled off to another table,
her muscular pear-shaped ass neatly flexing. I’d
promised myself I wouldn’t drink too much, but
Hannah had an insatiable tongue. Her father was an
alcoholic. My phone vibrated against my leg. It was
Hannah. She was running late. Dinner had taken longer
than she thought it would. I butted my cigarette in
the silver plated ashtray.
I hadn’t spoken to Hannah over
the phone all that much in the past year, maybe once
or twice. But we frequently emailed about inane shit.
It was easier that way. I could go months without
speaking to her or even a year without seeing her,
it didn’t matter. Hannah was one of those friends.
The house band started playing a John
Lee Hooker tune. No one seemed to notice. A few couples
sat talking at glazed-wood tables near the empty dance
floor. Rigid charcoal-colored leather couches lined
the gleaming windowed walls that were draped with
tentacles of globular white stringed lights. The dwarf
approached again. We were face to face. I was sitting.
She was standing.
“Will anyone be joining you tonight?”
She asked, her voice coarse.
“Excuse me?”
“See those two beautiful women
over there,” the dwarf said pointing her impish
thumb over her shoulder towards the bar, “they’re
wondering if you’d like some company.”
I followed her chubby finger across
the room until my eyes ran smack into two cheaply
lavished women—one blond one brunette—standing
at the bar. The blond sipped from a martini glass
with her foot bent around her ankle and the brunette
stood with her elbows on the bar starring into an
empty tumbler. It seemed they were more interested
in their drinks than anything else.
“I don’t think so. I’m
waiting for a friend.”
“You’re sure? Don’t be
“Just bring me another.”
The dwarf took my empty glass and walked
away with a disapproving squint tightening her puffy
eyes. I hadn’t known hookers to work there but
it was obvious things had changed. If it weren’t
for the view, I might have called Hannah and had her
meet me somewhere else. The 13th Floor had been my
suggestion, but it’d been awhile since I’d
last had a drink there. I figured there was no harm
in staying despite the fact I wanted to make a good
Hannah had known me long before I fell
off, but I knew she’d heard the rumors. I needed
to clear the air with her. In one dreadful moronic
act I’d almost ruined my whole universe. But
Hannah had done wrong herself in the past—running
off with some slithery fuck to South America not to
be heard from for nearly a year—and made out
okay in the end. It wasn’t the same situation,
but I’d never turned my back on her and she knew
I lit another cigarette and scanned
the room for the dwarf. She wasn’t to be seen.
My thirst raged. I was about to head into the bathroom
when the brunette the dwarf had pointed out a minute
before approached the table carrying two drinks.
“Hi sweetie.” The brunette
said slipping onto the chair opposite me, stinking
of dime store perfume. “What’s your name?”
“I’m not paying for that.”
I said pointing to the drink she held between her
painted fingers.
“Honey, the drinks are taken care
of.” She smiled. Her lips plump and slippery
as canned peach halves. I had to curb my imagination.
“I don’t want my drink paid
for. Where’s that shrimp?” I stood and looked
for the dwarf. The brunette brushed her ankle against
my leg. I ignored her and moved out of brushing range.
“What’s your deal?” The
brunette said readjusting her implants. “Show
a little respect.”
“Get away from me. I didn’t
invite you over here.”
“Screw you, prick.” She walked
away, drink in hand.
I watched her buttery thighs slide smoothly
inside the crotch-high slip of her black satin dress.
I wanted her away from me before Hannah arrived, but
I couldn’t help admiring her succulent valleys.
I started counting the seconds until I was bounced.
I slurped my drink back. The brunette huddled at the
bar with her cohort discussing the fruitless bid.
In unison they turned their dyed faces and stared
venomously at me. I needed my credit card. It was
time to go, unfortunately, it was too late.
The brunette, backed by the blond, narrowed
in on me. They were going to handle me on their own.
Forget the bouncer. I nervously smiled as they closed
in; meditating the pain I might soon feel from a pointed
heel or filed nails. Yet it seemed ridiculous any
of it was happening.
“I didn’t mean any harm, okay?”
I said, as they stood a foot away from me.
“Don’t try and make good now.”
The brunette loudly said. “It’s too late
for that.”
“That’s right,” the blond
belted in, “we’re gonna fuck you up.”
I looked directly at the brunette who
stood with one hand on her hip. “I did you a
favor. I could have played along, but I would’ve
been wasting your time and mine. I wasn’t interested.
I thought you’d want to move onto someone else
who was. Time is money, right?”
“You’d didn’t have to
be so rude.” The brunette said.
“If you had stayed out of my business
we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
I think she liked getting rejected. “Let’s
drop it.”
“I’m gonna drop you.”
The clever blond piped-in again, waving her fist at
I started sweating, worried it actually
might get ugly, yet all the same, I had a budding
erection as I found the entire confrontation surprisingly
erotic. I was more certain than not they’d back
down. It was too early in the night for either one
of them to kill a chance for profit. They couldn’t
afford to break a sweat without getting paid for it.
“Cord, is that you?” I recognized
Hannah’s voice. She approached the table, standing
next to the other women.
“Yes.” I was relieved.
“Excuse me.” Hannah coolly
marched past the brunette and blond. Our eyes met
and a huge smile swept across her face. I stood and
we hugged tight. “You look wonderful. What’s
going on?”
“You don’t want to know.”
I said into Hannah’s ear as we let go. “Let’s
get out of here.”
Having overheard what I said, the blond
aggressively chimed in. “You’re not going
anywhere until you apologize.”
“For what?” I was annoyed.
“Not wanting to fuck your friend?”
Hannah ruffled her face, eyes widened.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere.”
The blond pushed her hand into my chest.
Hannah jumped in. “I don’t
know what you all are arguing about, but let’s
everybody calm down.” She looked at me.
The band livened the pace, belting out
a rendition of Mustang Sally. It was an old-fashioned
standoff. I was humiliated Hannah had to be involved.
My face was hot. I’d wanted to get out of there
before she arrived, catch her on the street and move
on somewhere else. No explanation needed. But I was
caught red-handed sparring with a duo of disgruntled
“Drinks?” The dwarf sneered.
The top of her head was waist level to the brunette.
I reached into my wallet. “Here’s
twenty bucks. Keep the change, just bring me my credit
The blond stood running her hand through
her stringy hair. “That skinny bitch ain’t
gonna do shit but get in my way.” She glared
at Hannah and rolled her shoulders.
“That’s it ladies.” Hannah
said. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but he’s
with me.”
Hannah tucked her arm under my elbow
and barreled forward. The brunette caught me in the
back of the neck with a hard smack. We kept moving.
As we charged for the elevator the dwarf turned from
the bar gnawing a plastic cocktail straw with my credit
card in her hand. I snatched it from her pudgy fingers
and we were off. The elevator dinged and we were on
our way down before all the commotion trailing us
could catch up.
Without speaking we hurried two blocks
north on Charles in the direction of Penn Station.
The black metal railings that lead up the marble stoops
of the economically built formstone rowhouses we passed
were wrapped with twists of tiny multicolored lights.
Hannah was brimming with excitement. I was relieved
to get out of there in one piece.
“Thank you.”
“What was that all about?”
Hannah asked as we slowed to a walk.
“Forget about it.”
“Like hell, you were about to get
your ass kicked.”
We both laughed.
“Apparently the place has turned
into a hooker joint.”
“I’d gathered that.”
“The brunette in the black dress
tried to come on to me and I told her I didn’t
want to have anything to do with her.”
“That’s all you said?”
“Sure, I have no idea what got
under her skin.”
“Cordner Taylor,” Hannah said,
in a pitch sweeter than I’d heard those two words
said in a long time, “still causing trouble.
Let’s get a drink.”
Hannah kissed me on the cheek. It felt
great. She was great. I wanted to weep. We continued
north on Charles. The sky was blank. I buttoned my
jacket to the neck. A few cars sped by us. Cream-colored
candle-shaped lights burned in the windows of a beautiful
turreted ivory Victorian. Wailing testimonies to Jesus
sang out from an A.M.E. church on the corner. The
late December air ate at my face, but I felt more
warmth walking next to Hannah than I'd felt for as
long as I could remember. She let me be.
We buzzed the door to get in. Club Charles
was a few blocks short of North Avenue where dope
was openly pushed and shots rang unnoticed. But the
Club itself was filled with annoying turtleneck-type
graduate students from Hopkins and regular pucker-faced
flies. The walls were painted with swooping red and
gold strokes. According to Nick, the owner, it used
to be an old Indian bar, but I found that hard to
swallow since there are no Indians in Baltimore. We
have black, white, yellow, but no red.
Hannah ordered our drinks while I found
a place for us to sit. She looked fine, no more tomboy
shit. She’d grown her hair out, let it fall on
her neck, and wore clothes that held tight against
her curves. My crush on Hannah was fierier than ever
I had to stop myself from staring though,
thinking, wondering what it’d be like. I was
trying to start fresh like my shrink Dr. Wallace had
been urging me to do for months: “Mend the relationships
that matter to you,” he said. Hannah was my first
real attempt at setting things straight. I didn’t
fully understand how it worked, but I was really in
no position to question. Coming clean, making reparations
for my actions, wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
“Cheers,” Hannah said raising
her glass to mine.
“Salud.” We clanked our glasses
and relaxed into a pockmarked divan.
“This is nice. I don’t get
to do this very often.”
“Go out?” Hannah took a cigarette
from my pack of Camels. “I don’t buy that.”
“No, I go out, but not with anybody
I enjoy being around all that much, people from the
paper. I feel like a walking cocoon most of the time.
I’m developing a split personality, a true second
self. It’s fucking ridiculous.”
I struck a match and held it out for
Hannah. She titled her head towards it, a burst of
smoke streamed from her nostrils.
“What about Knox? Don’t you
guys ever hang-out?” Hannah asked.
“He’s busy as hell. We’ll
see each other now and then.” I lit a cigarette
for myself. “Plus he started dating this girl,
Ally, so he’s around even less.”
“You got to be kidding me, I can’t
imagine him with anyone.”
Knox was my oldest friend. He didn’t
get along that well with most people, but with those
he did, he was a prince. He’d never been able
to keep a girlfriend. He bored quickly. He was notoriously
“Yeah, it’s pretty hilarious,
but he’s happier than I’ve ever seen him.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love
the guy, but you know what I’m saying.”
I moved in with Knox the day after I
attacked my mom. He insisted that I takeover his small
spare bedroom. I’ve been living there ever since.
It’s worked out well. I keep the place clean
and the fridge full and Knox doesn’t ask for
any rent money, which as far as I was concerned, was
a perfect domestic situation.
“Maybe you could establish a regular
night when you two play pool or darts.” Hannah
rubbed her half-smoked cigarette out in the ashtray.
“It sounds a bit nerdy I know, but it might be
really good for both of you.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean
to laugh, it’s just the idea of setting up a
weekly date with Knox seems silly, we’d be like
some middle aged suburban couple trying to rekindle
the flame.”
“It was only a suggestion, mister
The Club was overflowing. Drunk faces
as red as the lights draped from the ceiling were
crowded shoulder to shoulder pounding bottles of Beck’s
and Bass from bent elbows. A six-foot plastic tree
decorated with beer coasters and tinsel was positioned
between the two floors of the bar. The jukebox looped
through a grungy alternative Christmas mix I’d
never heard before. Dinosaur Jr. played a romping
version of Jingle Bells. If I tried hard enough, I
could nearly trick myself into thinking I was twenty
again, sitting at the Club with Hannah, not a goddamn
care in the world.
“I’ve never told you why I
moved in with Knox,” my gut twisted with anxiety.
“Okay, tell me why.”
For over three months I hadn’t
mentioned to Hannah what had happened and knowing
all my defensive tendencies Hannah hadn’t asked
me a thing. She’d let me come to her when I was
ready. But I suspect she asked around, probably even
checked in with Knox to see how I really was doing.
“I tried to rob my mom.” There
it was, I said it.
Hannah painfully swallowed her sea breeze.
“What?” She winced. “What the hell
are you talking about?”
“I tried to steal my grandmother’s
antique wedding ring.”
“Christ, Cordner. I don’t
get it. What was going through your head?”
“I wish I knew. It was a bad idea
gone terribly wrong.” I hesitated for a second,
breathed, and then continued. "She wasn’t
supposed to get hurt.”
“Is she okay? How hideous. I thought
you’d gotten into a really bad argument or something
and moved out. I had no idea you’d lost your
fucking mind.”
“I agree, it’s totally unconscionable.”
I reached for the pack of Camels on the table. Hannah
placed her hand over mine and clamped her sharp nails
into me. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye.
“I fucked up bad.”
“What for? Did you need money?”
Hannah let go of my hand and reached for the cigarettes
herself. “Your poor mother.” The blood had
drained from her face.
“I know.”
It was worse each time I told someone
new. It didn’t get any easier as Dr. Wallace
had said it would—only worse. I swear the bastard
was lying to me. The more time that passed, and the
longer I had to think and kick up my heels, the more
the utter shame engulfed me and the less motivated
I became to do anything at all.
“I’ve realized over the past
few weeks there’s really no way to make this
better. I don’t give a shit what Dr. Wallace
says. A son can’t be forgiven for striking his
own mother.” I exhaled a waft of smoke towards
the drowsy ceiling fan. “She raised my sister
and me all by herself, and what do I do, how do I
pay her back . . . I try and rob her, but couldn’t
even do that right. It sounds like a pathetic eleven
o’clock news piece about some redneck trailer
Hannah sucked hard on her cigarette.
“You’re not giving me any details here.
What happened?”
“I thought I’d get the ring
for Smith.” It still stung to say her name, like
a splinter had been smashed into my lip.
“Oh, god, Cord, not another one
of your schemes. I don’t understand why you do
this shit. If I remember correctly, the last time
you had one of these schizophrenic ideas you ended
up on a Greyhound to Georgia with a lap full of chickens.”
“Yeah, I know. Anyhow Smith was
over at the house one day and came across this box
of antique jewelry. She really liked the ring. I knew
I could never ask my mom for it, so instead, I decided
I’d steal it.”
“This isn’t making anymore
“It happened. I don’t know.
Once the idea came to me I couldn’t stop thinking
about it. I started planning it out.”
“You fool.”
“It was a Friday. I told my mom
I was going away for the weekend, but really, I was
going to be at Smith’s. I wanted to surprise
her with the ring over breakfast the next morning.”
“There wasn’t anything flashing
through your head in big red letters warning you not
to do it? Why not just take the ring and play dumb
if she ever asked you about it?”
“I guess that would’ve been
too simple.”
“You must have had mud in your
“Maybe. That would explain a lot.”
My voice started quivering. A blistering discomfort
clogged my throat. “Later that night I told Smith
I was going to hangout with a friend. Instead I took
a cab a block away from my mom’s. It started
off as joke almost . . . or at least a half-joke.
By the time it was over, it wasn’t. I got caught
up in the whole thing.” I straightened my sloping
giraffe like posture.
“Go on.” Hannah said.
“I went in through the mud room
where I’d left a ski mask. I pulled it over my
head, only my eyes and mouth were visible. It was
sick, I got a rush from it. Then I slipped up the
backstairs to her room.”
“At that point you still thought
it was a bright idea . . . creeping around the house
with a mask covering your face?”
“It was strange. I was so disconnected
from the reality of what was happening it didn’t
seem like I was doing anything wrong.”
Hannah wiggled herself into a more comfortable
position. “So, once you got upstairs . . .?”
“When I opened the door to her
room it creaked loudly, like I’d fucking split
the thing in half. She stirred. But like a jackass
I proceeded to make my way to the jewelry box on the
dresser. I thought I was being quiet. Apparently not.
As I stood there, my back turned to the bed with my
mini Maglite in hand searching for the ring my mother
let out a scream of death. I almost shit myself. It
was the most terrifying sound I’d heard since
the cops came to the door when I was kid to inform
her my father had been killed.”
“What’d you do?”
“For a split second I thought I
could stop the situation cold. Rip off the mask and
makeup some lame excuse. By the time I’d turned
around though, she was coming after me swinging one
of my old lacrosse sticks through the air. I had no
clue she hid it under her bed. She nailed me in my
ribs. In a flash of rage I clocked her in the nose.
Then again. I felt the cartilage crack. She grabbed
her face and dropped to her knees.”
Hannah scoffed. Spit accidentally flew
from her mouth onto my face. She hurried to wipe her
saliva off my cheek, but I deserved it. I caught her
wrist and placed her arm lightly on the table.
“Sorry.” She said, watching
me wipe my cheek with the back of my hand. “Please
tell me you’re making this up.”
“I wish.” I took a final drag
from my cigarette and crushed the butt under my boot.
“I ran down the stairs. I was numb. The wedding
ring got kicked under the bed somewhere. As I bolted
out the door Becky appeared from the garage. She saw
me. I’d already taken off the mask.”
“So then what?” Hannah asked.
“Nothing. Everything. Becky saw
it was me and went upstairs to find our mother bawling
on the bedroom floor. I went running down the street.
You can put the rest together.”
“You went too far this time. Some
of that other shit, making up stories about who you
are and so on is one thing, but this . . . un-fucking-believable.
You’ve out done yourself.”
“It wasn’t supposed to happen
like it did.”
“I guess, but what’d you expected?”
I rubbed my face, pushed my fingers
against my sinuses. Hannah balled her napkin and flung
it at me. The Smashing Pumpkins reverberated from
the crackling speakers.
“What are you going to do on Saturday?”
Saturday was Christmas. I loved Hannah
for her artful discretion. “I don’t know.
I haven’t been officially invited or uninvited
for brunch. I know Becky got back into town yesterday,
and my uncle and his wife are coming over from the
Eastern Shore. I don’t know if I’ve got
it in me to face all of them at the same time. That
might be too much.”
“Or it just might be the perfect
opportunity to show how sorry you really are. They’re
still your family. Are you speaking to your sister?”
“Over the phone, but it’s
like talking to a freezer.”
“You’re her older brother,
she’ll eventually have to forgive you.”
“I hope so . . . some fucking role
model I’ve been.”
“You’re not still with Smith
are you? I know you’re smarter than that.”
“No. I don’t know. I’ve
broken it off more or less, but you know how bad I
am with this. We’ve run into each other a few
“This shouldn’t be news to
you. Wake up, and get rid of Smith!” Hannah grabbed
my half drank whiskey sour and drained it to the rocks.
“If you want your family, your friends, to forgive
you, you better not as much as look at a picture of
her again.” Hannah’s face mocked my potential
imbecility. She was right.
“It isn’t really about her
though. It was my own idea. She really had nothing
to with it.”
“That doesn’t matter. I promise
you, whatever blame your mother can transfer from
you is going towards Smith. She’ll become the
root of your evil deed as time passes. You’ve
gone too far this time, but not that far. Your mother
will need somewhere or someone to place this on besides
you as she lets you back into her life.”
“Browsing the self-help section
lately? You sound like my shrink.”
“Listen smart-ass, nix the broad.
No more contact.”
“Point taken.” I liked it
when Hannah got pissed-off and bossy. It was remarkably
sexy. “It’s crazy, but I never realized
what I had until all this shit went down. It sounds
like a fucking cliché, it is a fucking cliché,
but it’s true.” I lit another Camel and
looked into my empty glass.
My mom had been doing me a favor letting
me live with her. It made her happy to have me home.
I’d just moved back to Baltimore to take a job
with The Sun. I was on my way, the next Mencken. It
was a legitimate start. I was excited, she was proud.
“I’m glad you told me.”
“Me too.”
I went into the graffiti coated bathroom,
locked the door to the only stall, and stuffed my
face into my hands. I remained that way until the
wave of nausea eased. But I wasn’t really getting
any better. I could feel it coming on; I was unraveling
at the seams. Before long I was going to be a pile
of intestines strewn across the sticky floor. My eyes
and my thoughts were losing focus.
I watched Hannah while I waited for
two more cocktails at the bar. She was putting her
thick mahogany hair into a ponytail. I wanted to rip
her clothes off. It was as if every word that came
out of my mouth, words of reconciliation and resolve
for my disdainful actions, only propelled me closer
and closer to that very self I was trying to excommunicate.
The deeper I got at the truth, the less clarity I
had. In a few minutes I’d no longer care at all.
I returned to the table with our drinks.
“Can you get me a shot?” Hannah
asked. “Make it two.”
Hannah wasn’t taking what I’d
told her so well. It was burning at her like it was
me. She knew my mother, she knew my sister, and she
knew how much pain I really was in. I’d never
thought the day would come when I wished I had a father
around, someone to kick me square in the teeth. That
day had now passed. All my privilege—three-story
Homewood upbringing and prep school cultivation—hadn’t
been enough to suffocate my stupidity.
By the time I’d weaved my way through
the hoard of eager beer guzzlers back to the table,
Hannah was lighting a cigarette off the end of another.
I set the two shots down. She swilled the first one
down in a quick fluid motion, her arm acting as a
lever between her mouth and the shot glass. I sat
down to my whiskey sour waiting to see how long she’d
take before the next.
“When was the last time you saw
your mom?” Hannah asked. The color had returned
to her face.
“It’s been about a month.
We’ve spoken more recently than that though.”
“You should really go see her.”
Hannah looked at me, her eyes pinched
tight like she’d just stepped out of a matinee
on a sunny afternoon, and then ripped a belch.
“It’s nice to see some things
never change.” I said, delighted to hear her
signature howl. “So you don’t hate me?”
I asked partly joking, but mostly not.
“No, of course not, and neither
does your mother.”
To that, Hannah tossed back the second
shot of Jack.
We were railed when we left, stumbling
affably up and down Charles Street looking for her
car. The huge hands of the Bromo Seltzer Tower clock
were a remote shadow. A soapy snow cascaded from the
street lamps and rooftops. Hannah’s eyelashes
were wet and sleek from the flakes.
Hannah gingerly drove along Falls Road,
careful to avoid slamming into any parked cars, as
I gave her directions to Knox’s apartment. If
she’d asked me to marry her right then I would
have. I knew it was the wrong thing to be thinking,
but it seemed like the next logical step to the night.
Gliding along, a memory hit me like
I’d stuffed a pair of scissors in an outlet.
“Oh, oh, turn here, turn here.” I said waving
my arm at the approaching street. “Don’t
you remember, I took you here once in high school.”
“I have no idea what you’re
talking about.” Hannah said. “Just stick
a cigarette in my mouth and I’ll be happy.”
I did as she pleased, lit a Camel, and
slid it between her Blistex-coated lips. I swore I’d
taken her there before, but at that point, I wasn’t
too convinced about anything.
As soon as we turned, there it was:
Miracle on 34th Street. A rainbow of lights blanketed
the block before us. It was blissful, better than
I’d remembered. Hannah jammed her foot on the
brake—either out of splendor or disgust—and
we glided to a stop inches from a car full of on lookers.
An entire block of formstone rowhouses smeared from
roof to basement with glowing reindeer, angels, and
candy canes. Radiant nativity scenes, stars, and wreaths
bedecked the porches. Flashing Season Greetings and
Merry Christmas signs. It was garish, kitschy, gaudy,
and tacky. I loved it.
“I’ve never seen this before.
It’s amazing. This is the most beautiful thing
I’ve ever seen.” Hannah said flinging open
the car door.
It sounded like the sauce talking, but
that wasn’t a problem for me. I walked up behind
Hannah and placed my skinny arms around her shoulders.
We lingered with amazement. Stretching across the
rooftop of the corner rowhouse was a plastic life-sized
Santa riding in a plastic life-sized sled pulled by
plastic life-sized reindeer that all glowed in rhythm
to Grandma Got Run Over By A Rain Deer.
“I used to dream about this place
as a kid. Every Christmas Eve for years my mother
brought Becky and me here. I used to think this is
where the jolly old fool himself lived. I was quite
a wishful little bastard.” I let my arms fall
to Hannah’s honest hips. I felt a sliver of exposed
belly where her jacket wasn’t zipped. She relaxed
her ass into me. “I loved coming here. Becky
and I would play in the front lawns making up all
kinds of stupid shit while my mom sat on the hood
of her old blue Mercedes watching us and laughing.”
Hannah leaned her back into my chest.
I could see she had her eyes closed. I kissed her
She spoke softly. “When was the
last time you all came here?”
“It’s been awhile . . . years.”
I said, sliding my arms around her waist until my
fingers locked together. Hannah pushed her body tighter
against mine. We stayed like that until our legs grew
weary and brittle.
* * *
I felt like an alien when I awakened
the next morning. It was Christmas Eve. There was
no connection between my swollen body, the four surrounding
walls, and me. I swiped the gunk from eyes. It tasted
like a small rodent had crawled into my mouth in the
middle of the night, burrowed underneath my tongue,
and died. I was lying naked face down on my bed with
no sheets. Someone really very quickly needed to remove
the spike that’d been driven into the back of
my skull.
I ran a searing bath and went to check
on Hannah.
She hadn’t budged an inch from
where she’d fallen asleep on the couch. When
she’d dropped me off at Knox’s, I insisted
that she stay the night, having realized at some point
while we careened across streets of ice how plastered
we both were. We’d kissed for a few minutes in
the kitchen, but that was it. History, or understanding,
or sheer drunken impotence had stopped us from going
any further. I’d laid a blanket over Hannah and
sat on the floor drinking cranberry juice reading
her a chapter from Twain until I heard her snore.
Steam leaked from the cracks of the
bathroom door. The water blistered my feet, my thighs,
my ass, my stomach, and my neck as I lowered myself
into the claw-foot tub. I was afraid the water might
begin to bubble as the venom oozed from my body.
Hannah eventually awakened and we made
coffee and French toast. Knox came home in a good
mood. He showed us the two thousand-dollar watch he’d
just bought Ally for Christmas. And Hannah told us
about her job in Seattle. Knox rolled a joint and
smoked it with Hannah. I drank more coffee. The sun
started to go down. Hannah hugged me and Knox goodbye
and went to meet her family. Knox left a few minutes
later to give Ally her watch; he couldn’t wait
any longer.
I picked up the phone and dialed.
“Hello.” It was Becky. “Hello.”
“Hey Becky, it’s me.”
“Yeah.” I was shivering. “What’s
“Nothing, we’re cooking.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Not now Cord.” I imagined
Becky pointing at the phone, making some sort of face
indicating it was me. “Why don’t you call
back in a little while, we’re right in the middle
of this.”
“Do you remember going to 34th
Street?” Becky was silent. She’d stopped
whisking the eggs for the quiche, or whatever it was
she was doing. “Hey, are you there?”
“I’ll call you later when
I can talk.”
“Do you want to go tonight? Ask
mom if she’s wants to go.”
“Cord, we’ve got plans. We’re
having a dinner party here tonight.”
“Just ask her please, for me? I
know you’ve never forgotten how much we all loved
going there.”
“We’ll see.”
The conversation paused there. I set
the portable phone down on the kitchen table and lit
a cigarette.