by Rich Furman
And life just carries
Nowhere ghetto streets
we live near and
step out from the bar.
Hear, white boy this.
white boy that.
Play me that song
of my shameful guilt
too many year. Free.
Silence, four am,
too still to write
everything jumps and cold
die a few hours,
until more nothing.
Moon too tired
doing naked cartwheels.
The piranhas
with loafers. Pennies.
Irradiated carrots.
Eyes to creamy soup.
Philadelphia a dying shanty.
Minds goat cheese feaster
The Pacific too far.
Sand crabs
live no more.
the Author
Rich Furman, PhD, is an assistant professor
in the School of Social Work at Colorado State University,
his poetry has been published or is soon to be published
in Red Rock Review, Colere, Pearl, Hawai’i Review,
Black Bear Review, The Journal of Poetry Therapy,
Poetry Motel, Penn Review, and well over 100 poems
in nearly 100 literary journals. His work has been
described as neither street nor beat nor meat nor
academic, but an emotionally evocative mix of styles
that can be brutally imagistic or powerfully terse.
His scholarly writing is concerned with social work
ethics, international social work, friendship, social
work theory and social work practice. He teaches group
and practice courses in the BSW and MSW programs.
He is married to a wonderful women who has more freckles
than there are craters on the moon, has two children,
loves to mountain bike, and is slightly obsessed with
his two spectacular, drooling American Bull dogs.
He loves Vietnamese beef noodle soup, Pho, and would
gratefully accept any express mailed shipments of
it from regions afar. You can’t find it in the
plains of northern Colorado. Mostly, he just likes
to live as fully as possibly. He welcomes feedback,
comments and dialogue about his work. His first chapbook
of poetry, of only average intent, was printed by
Snorting Dog Press in 2002. He is currently seeking
a publisher for his first full-length book, The Trotting
Race of Time, 72 pages of poems which subtlety deal
with the social conditions in Latin America, alienation,
and triumph. He is also working on a anthology of
poetry about friendship.