Poetry by Johan More
Never Again With A German
Ah, you laughing kraut. You grumpy sieve.
Would you let me borrow the knickers
to plow Helga?
“Of course!”, you said.
There is something
briny about the way the labia tastes
when punctured by the fingernails
of Renaldo.
“Renaldo?,” you asked.
“A Spaniard! He stinks!”
Let me borrow the bow and quiver so
I can kill the swift beaver.
“The beaver is swift!”, you
Again, the German has betrayed me.
The Life of The Greek
As the waitress sauntered away from
the cold station carrying trays of bloody fish,
and the first days of menstruation
sloshed around underneath her apron
it smelled like a skunk had been raped
from behind in the kitchen.
Ah, the sweet, sweet sounds of the vagina's
Oh, to be a tiny vessel sailing in that
bloody sea!
Woosh!! Splash!
I must wait no more. I need that sweet,
sweet song.
Woosh!!! Splash!!
I must swim.
Swim, like the slippery Puerto Rican
line cook
who quit two days ago and fled for the
endless summers
and the tan, tan women.
I must swim.
Dirty Russian Women
Oh, thy armpits of death
deceive me in the winters of
Glasgow or Kiev, yet the women
flounder and bake bread.
Why must they breed so much?
Like the negros in the forest leaping
over leopards,
they bake and make many cold men happy.
But, must I sit alone in this gentle
I wait for the dark days to pass
like the gigantic Russian woman
sitting on my lap.
She has left mud on my thigh.
Oh, she has.
I will sing.
the Author
Johan More is a former copy writer
from Charleston, S.C. and an aspiring professional
poet. He has trained under Annie Hackins, poet laureate
of Hampton, Va. His influences (in no particular order)
are Slather, Montgomery, Guarez, and Linton (of course).