Paz Maithuna
"My eyes discover you
Artaud selection from Suppots Et
"Ideas don't come without limbs, and so
these are no longer ideas but limbs,
limbs fighting among themselves..."
Glancy Some Thoughts
On Our Uncommon Language
"I have trouble with the spoken word. I
talk, but often
do not have the word I want to carry the meaning.
Often it is a macaronic breach of two languages—"
Hillman and Clayton Eshleman Part One of a Discussion on Psychology
& Poetry
"CE: I propose that the first thing we
address is two essays by Jung and what they imply about an oposition between
psychology and art. In "On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry,"
written in 1922, Jung states that art and psychology cannot be compared. While
he acknowledges that they have close connections, and that the connections
arise from the fact that the practise of art is psychological activity..."
Kelly The Red Snake We Woke
"I remember falling upon, striking
the pulp of wood and rags, blood and grasses,
uncertain whether I was a blistering agent..."
Vallejo XXXVI from Trilce
"We struggle to thread ourselves through a needle's eye,
face to face, hellbent on winning..."
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