From The Collected Poems Of Charles Olson: 1958-1964 (Edited by George F. Butterick)
Clayton Eshleman: Tuxedoed Groom On Canvas Bride
John Yau: Rober Morris's In the Realm of the Carceral
Robert Morris: Four Drawings from In the Realm of the Carcerel
Jed Rasula: Towards Rilke in English
Carl Rakosi: Modules
Thom Gunn: Three Poems
Hayden Carruth: Four Poems
Eliot Weinberger: Kampuchea (preceded by a photo of Pol Pot)
Two Greenlandic Folktales (Tr. from the Greenlandic by Lawrence Millman)
Karin Lessing: In The Aviary Of Voices
John Yau: Sam Messer
Sam Messer: Five Works in Charcoal and Oil
Mike Newell: Six Poems
Benjamin Peret: Four Poems from Je Sublime (Tr. from the French by Rachel Stella and John Yau
Geoffrey O'Brien: Tibet
August Kleinzahler: Five Poems
Brent Mackay: Five Poems
Ron Padgett: Four Poems
John Yau: Howard Buchwald
Howard Buchwald: Three Works in Oil and Pencil
Charles Berstein: Pounding Fascism
Jackson Mac Low: from Pieces O' Six—IX and X
Michael Davidson: The Endurance of Resolve
Lauren Shakely: Five Poems
Charles Berstein: Three Poems
Barbara Drake: The Bed
Vladimir Holan: from
A Night With Hamlet (Tr. From the Czech by Clayton Eshleman and
Frantisek Galan)
John Taggart: For Jerry Lee Lewis
Notes, Correspondence, Reviews: Stella on Apollinaire; Arnold on Bauldelaire; Clifford on Chronotopes; Martin on Gerstler; Eshleman responds to Kinzie; Schelling on Snyder; Michelson, Berstein and Friedlander respond to Weinberger's Pound After Torrey; Weinberger replies; Eshleman on Seifert; Kallet on the Goddess
Cover Art: Cy Twombly, Untitles (Anabasis 6), pencil, crayon, oil on paper, 39½"x 27½", 1983, Courtesy: Hirschl & Adler Modern.