Cesar Vallejo: from the Notebooks (1929-1937) (Tr. from the Spanish by Sandra Ferdman)
Irving Petlin: Six Paintings
Irving Petlin and Michael Palmer: The Rightness to be Depicted
Marjorie Welish: Two Poems
Henri Michaux: Of Language and Writing and the Desire to Turn from Them (Tr. from the French by Richard Sieburth)
Steve Benson, Chris Cheek, Allen Fisher: Assumptions Table
Diane Glacy: Three Poems
Bob Perleman: Face Value
Benjamin Hollander: Commentary of the False Numbers–3,4
Ammiel Alcalay: After Ecclesiastes
Antonio López García: Six Paintings and Drawings
Nicholas and Lisa Corrin: On Antonio López García
Charles Berstein: Blow-Me-Down Etude
Lorine Niedecker: Selections from her Letters to Louis Zukofsky (Edited by Jenny Penberthy)
Milo De Angeli: Five Poems and Two Essays (Tr. from the Italian by Lawrence Venuti)
Sean Killian: Four Poems
Clark Coolidge: Listener's Reach
Ross Neher: Five Drawings and Paintings
John Yau: Light and Dark–The Art of Ross Neher
Jerome Rothenberg: First Gematria
Jerome McGann: The Loss of Poetry
Cover Art: Antonio López García, Skinned Rabbit, 1972, oil on board; 53cm x 60.5cm, color transparency courtesy of Marlborough Gallery, Inc., New York City.