Michael Palmer: Sun
Rachel Blau DuPlessis: Draft #3: Of
August Kleinzahler: Two Poems
Philip Lamantia: Unachieved
Roberts Avens: Reflections on Wolfgang Geigrich's The Burial of the Soul in Technological Civilization
Gary Snyder: Walking the New York Bedrock Alive in the Sea of Information
Rosanne Wasserman: Four Poems
Terry Yank: Six Photographs
John Yau: The Photographs of Terry Yank: An Introduction
Octovio Paz: I Speak of the City (Tr. from the Spanish by Eliot Weinberger)
Tom Mandel: Two Poems
Robert Tajada: A Delta for D.H.L.
Thad Ziolowski: Two Poems
Laura (Riding) Jackson: Introduction to a Book of Later-Life Commentaries
Gene Frumkin: The Brown Dog
Robert Vandermolen: Three Poems
Ron Padgett: Wisconsin
Friederike Mayröcker: Franz Schubert, Or: Notes on the Weather, Vienna (Tr. from the German by Rosmarie Waldrop)
Jackson Mac Low: Pieces o' Six—XXXII
Notes, Correspondence, Reviews: Helsem and Birkets on Ashbery; Perloff on Ginsberg; Weinberger on Angleton; Burns on Clarke; Bernstein on recent publications; Byrd on Language Poetry; DuPlessis on Howe; Grenier on Notley; Lansing on Coolidge; Dewdney on the Hormonal Village; Rasula on Turner, Baudrillard, Byrd and Andrews; Tejada on Mackey; Faser on Mandelstam; Weinberger on Montemora
Cover art: Irving Petlin, Song for Sarah...Puzzle, 1985, pastel on paper, 30" x 22", courtesy of Kent Fine Art, NYC
Sulfur gratefully acknowledges the following individuals who made contributions in the fall of 1986 to help fund our transition from Los Angeles to Ypsilanti: Jeffery Blue, Peter Quartermain, Martha Sattler, George Butterick, Bruce Campbell, Rahel Blau DuPlessis, Gilbert Van Camp, Joseph Gold, Alan Golding, James Laughlin, Irving Malin, Sherman Paul, Robert Schiller, Lynn Shoemaker, Charles Simic, Donald Wesling, Peter Du Bois, The Gerber Foundation, Dan Gerber, Leon Golub, James Heckman, Hank Lazer, Andrew Levy, Martha Lifson, Beverly Mackey, Antonet O'Toole, Michael Sherick, John Taggart, Oscar Weinberger, Shelly White, Marjorie Perloff, Ronald Gottesman, Elaine Attias, Jerry Glenn, David Rattray.