Walt Whitman: Poem of the Propositions of Nakedness
Milton Kessler: A Note on Whitman
Will Alexander: Los Angeles: The Explosive Cimmerian Fish
Clayton Eshleman: Hardball
Jed Rasula: Pacific Rim Shots: Space and Race in Los Angeles
Melvin Edwards: Six Lynch Fragments and and Essay
Jayne Cortez: Three Poems
Liz Dalton: The Revolution Which Worked
Jorge Santiago Perednik: The Shock of the Lenders (Main Fragment) (Tr. from the Spanish by Molly Weigel)
Andrew Schelling: Two Poems
Xavier Villaurutia: from Nostalgia for Death (Tr. from the Spanish by Eliot Weinberger)
Paul Violi: Sideshow
Dan Featherston: Pomegranate
José Lezama Lima: Thoughts in Havana (Tr. from the Spanish, with a Note, by James Irby)
Barbara Guest: The Surface as Object
Joel-Peter Witkin: Statement
Joel-Peter Witkin: Nine Photographs
Herbert Lust: Witkin Versus Photography
Michael Gizzi: from No Both
Hugh Seidman: Four Poems
Ed Sanders: Melville's Father
Charles Olson & Frances Boldereff: Who Will Bring It Up, My Little? The First Letters of the Correspondence (Ed. by Ralph Maud & Sharon Thesen)
Gerrit Lansing: In the Grip of the Octopus
Jackson Mac Low: Two Poems
John Taggart: Sainte-Chapelle
Milton Kessler: Riding First Car: Learning the Boxes
John Heartfield: Photomontages
Robert C. Morgan: The Subversive World of John Heartfield
Karin Lessing: The Year Zero
Paul Christensen: The First Day
Maxine Chernoff: Three Poems
Connie Deanovich: Three Poems
Carl Rakosi: Three Poems
Spencer Selby: Message in a Bottle
Clark Coolidge: from To The Cold Heart
Janet Kauffman: What's Wrong With This Picture?
Julia Ballerini: Lorna Bieber: Reproductions
Lorna Bieber: Eight Reproductions
Andrea Zanzotto: from Idiom (Idioma) (Tr. from the Italian by Beverly Allen)
Allen Ginsberg: Whitman's Influence: A Mountain Too Vast to be Seen
Reviews & Noticings: Weinberger's New in Briefs; Martin on Gizzi, Grossman & Daumal; Redgrove on Blood Relations; Byrd on Joris; Faust on Samperi; Burns on Lorca & Rothenberg; Alexander on Rational Geomancy; Maier on Levine; Spahr on Mullen; Perloff on 49 + 1, Nichol, McCaffery, & Landow; Jolly on Nourbese Philip; Blau DuPlessis' Noticings
Contributor Notes/A Note on Sulfur #33
Cover: Joel-Peter Witkin—Bee Boy (1981), courtesy of Pace MacGill Gallery, NYC