Sulfur Issue #40



Phillip Foss: A History of Trees

André Breton: A Great Black Poet (Tr. from the French by Annette Smith and Clayton Eshleman)

Adrienne Rich: Char

Vitezslav Nezval: Shirt (Tr. from the Czech by Jerome Rothenberg and Milos Sovak)

Michael Palmer: A Language of the Unsayable: Some Notes on Irving Petlin and the Seine Series

Michael Palmer: The White Notebook

Richard Foreman: Three Poems

Camille Guthrie: Cells (I-VI)/Poems for Louise Bourgeois

Carla Harryman: Somatic Mediations

Mary Ann Unger: Six Sculptures

Clayton Eshleman: Yachats, The Shore

Harald Mesch: The Richness of Interface/ Interview With Gary Snyder

John Olson: Two Poems

Andrew Schelling: from The Road to Ocosingo

Will Alexander: Within the Opaque Termites' Morass

Ken Cormier: Two Poems

Wang Ping: Flash of Selfish Consciousness

Pamela Wye: Desiring Machines and Exquisite Corpulence: Lisa Yuskavage's Girlies

Lisa Yuskavage: Five Paintings

Peter Quartermain: Duncan's Texts

Rae Armantrout: Sets

Sean Killian: As If It Isn't

Spencer Selby: Review

Loss Pequeno Glazier: What Sound A Wall

Kenro Izu: Six Photographs From "Light Over Ancient Angkor"

Commentary: Drake Moraga on Paternosto; Weinberger on the Tapscott Twentieth-Century Latin       American Poetry; Weiss on RevisAtlántica de Poesía; Rasula on Johnson; Eshleman on Snyder; Gordon       on Hinton's Li Po; Tejada on Roussel, the Oulipo Laboratory, Spoerri, Coolidge, Howe, and       Palmer; Joris on Mac Cormack; Olson on Kaufman, Deanovich, Young, and Jarnot; Guest on       Gevirtz's Richardson; Featherston on Amichai, Codrescu, and Sanders; Weinberger solves a       mystery; Notley on Hollo.

Contributor Notes

Cover Art: Irving Petlin, Paris Is White (for Edmond Jabès),
      oil and pastel on linen, 31½" x 78¾", 1995-1996, courtesy of Kent Fine Art, NYC.