Adrienne Rich: Letter to Jane Alexander
Adrienne Rich: Two Poems
Timothy Liu: Three Poems
Tessa Joseph: Walking Around the Ruin
John Latta: To Robert Duncan
Gerard De Nerval: Drafts of Aurella (Tr. from the French by Richard Sieburth)
Jerome Rothenberg: At Tsukiji Market Tokyo
Kasuya Eiichi: Three Pieces (Tr. from the Japanese by D. W. Wright)
Charles Berstein: A Test of Poetry
Taj Jackson: Apprentice
Lorine Niedecker: Next Year or I fly my rounds, Tempestuous (Edited, with a Note, by Jenny Penberthy)
Marjorie Welish: Two Poems
Benjamin Hollander: from Onome
Barbara Guest: (Rocks On A Platter)
Dale Pendell: Amrta: The Neuropharmacology of Nirvana
José Lezama Lima: Six Poems (Tr. from the Spanish by Roberto Tejada)
Pierre Joris: from Animals To The Point
Gustaf Sobin: Breath's Successive Vertebrae
Vitezslav Nezval: The
Lesser Rose Garden (Tr. from the Czech by Jerome Rothenberg and
Milos Sovak)
Allen S. Weiss: Zürn's Doll
Roberto Tejada: Three Poems
Ross Gay: Two Poems
Paul Violi: Bathos
Kevin King: Versions of Male: An Evolution
Marwan: Eight Paintings
Clayton Eshleman: Meditation on Marwan's Faces
Adonis: The Face—from Marwan's Brushpoint (Tr. by Clayton Eshleman and Bernard Bador from Anne Wade Minkowski's French version, translated from the Arabic)
Commentary: Featherston on Waldman, Blau DuPlessis, and Riding; Friedlander on Maud's Olson's Reading; Hollo on Middleton, Raworth, and Oliver; Zauhar on The Soul of Shamanism; Olson on Rothenberg, the Unknown Lorca, Lamantia, Schuyler's Diary, and Weiner; Hill on Cornford; Tejada on Pacheco, The XUL Reader, and Cortez; Goldsmith on Bee and Berstein; Tuma on Duncan, cheek and Sound & Language
Contributor Notes
Cover Art: Marwan, Marionette, oil on canvas, 162 x 130 cm, 1980.