Louis Armand: Three Poems
Rachel Tzvia Back: Palimpsest of Place
Douglas Barbour: Three Poems
Robin Blaser: Two Poems
Christian Bök: Eight Poems
Bev Braune: Reading Post-Modernist Runes in Skulváði Úlfur: A Journey of Puzzles
Colin Browne: from As If
Alan Brunton: Writing Out of Nothing
Clint Burnham: Two Poems
Yvette Christiansë: Signs and Portents
George Elliot Clarke: Four Poems
Wayde Compton: from (Bottle)(Poems)
Jeremy Cronin: The Assassin Applies to the Amnesty Committee
Ingrid De Kok: Hearings. Victims. Underwater.
Jeff Derksen: from Social Facts are Vertical
John Higgins: from Signifying Chain
Danny Huppatz: Two Poems
Peter Jaeger: Two Poems
John Kinsella: Two Poems
Michele Leggott: that night that morning
Alan Loney: from Fagmenta Nova
Karen MacCormack: Two Poems
Steve McCaffery: Three Poems
Erin Mouré: At Fleuve Craniam
Khulile Nxumalo: from Cracking teh Road's Fast (A Proemdramatic)
Tom Orange: Flame Above the Seamark
Margaret Orbell & Richard Killeen: The Presence of Dew
Meredith Quartermain: Human Infusoria
Marthe Reed: Place
Lisa Robertson: Two Poems
Catriona Strang with Françoise Houle: from The Clamorous Alphabet
James Taylor: Ambiguity as a Bowl of Milk
Mervyn Taylor: Two Poems
John Tranter: Two Poems
Darren Wershler-Henry: from The Dangerous Prevalence of Imagination: A Tapeworm
Commentary: Ann Vickery, Susan Clark, Peter Hudson, Andrew Klobucar, Marnie Parsons, Sharon Thesen, Wystan Curnow, Lydia Wevers, Elizabeth Losh, Andries Oliphant, David Bunn
Contributor Notes
Cover Art: Christian Bök, "Of
Yellow", a translation of the sonnet "Voyelle" by
Arthur Rimbaud. Vowels have been replaced with blocks of color according to
the schema described in the sonnet itself.: "A noir, E Blanc, I rouge,
U vert, O bleu: voyelles," All other letters, commas and spaces, etc.
are grey.