Sulfur Issue #7



Octavio Paz: Maithuna (Tr. by  Eliot Weinberger)                                                  

Stokes Howell: Mother                                                                                                        

Bob Perelman: War & Peace                                                                                               

Diane Wakoski: Three Poems                                                                                              

Randy White: Four Poems                                                                                                   

Robert Marteau: Bread and Wine (Tr. by Clayton Eshleman and
      Bernard Bador)                                                                                                                

Jerome McGann: Prose and In Memory of Herzen                                                                 

Timothy Washington: Two Mixed Media Pieces                                                                

Clayton Eshleman: Four Poems from Fracture                                                                      

Martin Anderson: Giorgionesque and Seurat's "Port-en-Bessin, The Other Harbour at
      Low Tide"                                                                                                                          

Gary Snyder: Three Poems                                                                                                   

Antonin Artaud: Five Letters from Rodez (Tr.  Norman Glass)                              

Antonin Artaud: Letter to Peter Watson (Tr.  Clayton Eshleman, Bernard
      Bador and David Maclagan)                                                                                         

Photographs from Three Plays of Love and Hate, and Working with Cassavetes by       James Eric                                                                                                                        

Karin Lessing: A Love Poem                                                                                                   

Velimir Khlebnikov: Seven Poems and an Essay                                                                 

Bill Wilson: Kokoschka's Water, Tomato Soup, and The Green Room                                       

Angelyn Spignesi: Daimon Ice Woman w/ Bitch                                                                  

Aaron Shurin: from Multiple Heart                                                                                       

John Yau: Carp and Goldfish                                                                                                

August Kleinzahler: Six Poems                                                                                          

William Carlos Williams: Sketch for a Primer of Present Day Poetic Practice                  

Book Reviews: Carruth on Harrison; Rasula on H.D., Loy, Riding and Stein;
      Butterick on Thorpe; Christensen on Wakoski; Watson on Scalapino;
      Blackburn on Creely                                                                                                     

Cover Photo: of John Cassavetes by Steve Reisch