Est. 1994

So What Is Web del Sol?

Difficult to explain, unless first conceived in terms of goal and organization. WDS is a collaboration on the part of scores of dedicated, volunteer editors, writers, poets, artists, and staff whose job it is to acquire and frame the finest contemporary literary art and culture available in America, and abroad, and to array it in such a manner that it speaks for itself. The purpose of WDS is therefore multi-fold. WDS exists to:

  • Promote, fund, and support the writing, publishing, and reading of contemporary literature in electronic media.
  • Support all forms of literary writing as well as education in the contemporary literary arts at the high school level through its Word Works Network program.
  • Explore, promote, and create new forms of artistic and literary expression in new media, hypertext, film, photography, and the literary arts, and to build an electronic community and nexus which fosters collaboration between these forms.
  • Promote college level writing programs and showcase the work of their best students.
  • Promote colloboration between the independent film community and the literary arts community.
  • Portal the best in cultural essay, literary art and criticism.

At WDS we employ the traditional and electronic means necessary to bring a whole new readership to the contemporary literary arts. Join our community and attain a high level of consciousness. A story, essay, article, or poem here might provoke you, enlighten you, or even anger you, but that's the whole idea.

A hefty cache awaits.

Michael Neff

Michael Neff is the founder and director of WebdelSol.Com and it's affiliated literary organizations including the Algonkian Writer Workshops. He is an artist, photographer, also chief editor of Del Sol Review, as well as publisher of the several literary journals including In Posse Review, The Potomac, Perihelion, 5_Trope, and La Petite Zine. His literary work has appeared in numerous publications including American Way, North American Review, Pittsburgh Quarterly, Quarterly West, Conjunctions, and The Literary Review. He is currently at work on a novel.

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