Khaled Mattawa
Which do you think is resurrection, the soul chiseling its way back into the body, or the body like a doughnut rewrapping itself around a hole?
Khaled Mattawa was born in Benghazi, Libya where he had his primary education.
In 1979 he emigrated to the United States. He lived in the South for many years,
finishing high school in Louisiana and completing bachelors degrees in political science
and economics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He went on to earn an
MA in English and an MFA in creative writing from Indiana University where he
taught creative writing and won an Academy of American Poets award. A professor
of English and Creative Writing at California State University, Northridge, he has
published poems in Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Crazyhorse, New England
Review,Callaloo, Poetry East, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Iowa Review, Black
Warrior Review and The Pushcart Prize anthology. He was awarded the Alfred
Hodder Fellowship at Princeton University for 1995-96.