Painted Bride Quarterly's Poetry and Fiction Contests
Submit between June 1-September 30, 2003
Individual winners will receive notification by mail, or by phone in January. All contest winners will be posted on the website by end of January-February.

First Prize in each category: $1000 and publication in PBQ

The Fiction Contest will be judged by Victor Lavalle, author of the short story collection, Slapboxing With Jesus, and the novel The Ecstatic. His work has appeared in Tin House, Bomb, and The Fader, among others. In 2002, he was awarded the PEN/Open Book Award and the "Key to Southeastern Queens." He teaches Creative Writing in the graduate and undergraduate writing divisions at Columbia University.

The Poetry Contest will be judged by Carole Simmons Oles, the author of Sympathetic Systems, The Deed, and three other poetry collections. Her work has also appeared in American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Prairie Schooner, and many other periodicals and anthologies. Her awards and honors include a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, and the Claytor and Lake Prizes from the Poetry Society of America. She lives in Chico, CA,where she is Professor of English at California State University, Chico.

Fiction Guidelines
$10 reading fee per story, max of 5000 words

Poetry Guidelines
$5 reading fee per submission, max of 3 poems

Submissions should include a short biographical note with address, phone number, and a self-addressed and stamped envelope. Checks only, made out to Painted Bride Quarterly. Please note that we will not accept submissions via e-mail.

Send submissions to:

Painted Bride Quarterly
Rutgers University-Camden
English Department-Armitage Hall
Camden, NJ 08102

Please mark submissions: "Poetry Contest" or "Fiction Contest"
PBQ assumes no responsibility for submissions received without adequate return postage, packaging, contest fee(s) or return labels.