Guidelines for Submission
Painted Bride Quarterly accepts up to 5 poems, fiction up to 5000 words, and essays and reviews up to 3000 words, in any genre or school (occasional exceptions are made.)
All artwork: photographs, paintings, etchings, lithographs and line drawings are now accepted in black & white and color for publication on our website, and in black & white only for our print annual. If submitting art work for our website, please do so via We appreciate photoshop files (psd.), or jpgs; size 600x600.
PBQ requests that upon notification of acceptance, the work(s) be submitted on a 3.5" floppy disc (any format), Zip disc or CD, or electronically in .rtf format. Discs will be returned if accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelope. A SHORT bio should also be included.
Please note that we will not accept submissions via e-mail.
Send submissions to:
Painted Bride Quarterly
Rutgers University-Camden
English Department-Armitage Hall
Camden, NJ 08102