
The New Del Sol Review - Back Again and Loaded
Chief Editor: Michael Neff
Notable Feature: Anthology and New Spec Fiction
DSR rebirth at last! We not only have a new BEST OF issue but a flagrant display of more fantastic literary work by artists known and becoming-known. As a bonus, we've spawned a new speculative fiction room addition looking for good SFF and whatever else. We appreciate the support and interest of our many readers and will continue to publish issues when possible. ... more
Poetry From Mudlark
Editor William Slaughter continues to produce a quality literary journal. His motto: Never in, Never Out of Print. Since 1995, Mudlark has been a model for other poetry journals. 

"Never In, Never Out of Print" Mudlark Poetry
Chief Editor William Slaughter
I praise the earthworm's muddy snout, along with my amazement that he can toil underground all his life, and by instinct alone. I praise the cockroach's understanding of age and necessity ... 

Del Sol Review
Editor Derek Alger
Starring The Sadhana, Obtuse Diary, Catwalk Plastique, + Bras= Deadly Weapons
The Literary Explorer
Editors Cummins + Kennedy
A Visit to Hunger 120 Years Later, and Knut Hamsun? Hunger is a strange city no one leaves

Writers On The Job
Editor Tom Kennedy
TK produces Bouncing on my Heels by Elise Johansen, plus Blumenfeld + many more jobs
Editors: The Krokers
The Einstein Brain Project, Triumph of Culture, Who's Your Daddy? Silo Psychosis, and lots more


WDS profusely thanks reviewer Levi Asher for saying what we've all wanted to say for years, namely, that the Vollmann emperor is naked to the point of nausea:

"I have tried hard, so very hard, to appreciate Vollmann, a wildly original postmodernist obsessed with history and human aggression who is considered a great intellect by several people I respect. I've eagerly bought his thick, intimidating books, and I have put in solid time trying to read them. I will not try anymore.

William Vollmann is, in my opinion, the David Blaine of literature. It's all an endurance act. Can a skinny kid with pimples and glasses really write a seven volume chronicle of the settlement of North America, follow it with a 3,300 page history of human violence and then toss out an 800 page rumination on the Eastern Front in World War II? Yes, he can. But if you take the "wow" factor away from William Vollmann, does his work stand up?" Thank you, Levi! OMG, thank you!

Past blast into the Foghorn cosmos and watch him get abused by a psycho-chick. Web del Sol's new mascot says howdy to all his fanz. Doo Dah, Doo dah. "I say, I say, WDS gives me the fantods, I do declare!"

