Linda Bieler, born in North Dakota, has lived in Minnesota, Thailand, and Germany, and she now lives in Arizona. She has an MFA from Arizona State University. She has been published in Hayden's Ferry Review, Emily Dickinson Award Anthology 1998, Poet Lore, 100 Words, Studio One, Red Rock Review, and Lucid Stone among others, and will be in the upcoming Louisville Review and Graffiti Rag. Her first manuscript, Time Zone, was a finalist for the Backwaters Press Prize, 1998. A chapbook, The Outing to the Temple of Body Parts was a finalist in the Gival Press 2000 Competition. Her email address is <>.

Joel Chace's poems have appeared in print and electronic magazines such as the following: Lost and Found Times, Tomorrow, No Exit, Rattle, Coracle, Ninth St. Labs, Recursive Angel, Big Bridge, 2River View, and poethia. He has published ten collections of poetry, including—most recently—Uncertain Relations (Birch Brook Press), o-d-e (Runaway Spoon Press), Greatest Hits (Pudding House Publications), and the bilingual edition Naluca Rosie (Geneze, Romania). He is presently serving as Poetry Editor for the Antietam Review and for the electronic magazine 5_Trope.

Elisa A. Garza is a native Houstonian and is now living there again after leaving to get her MFA at Penn State and then to teach at Texas A&M University—Kingsville. She works as a proofreader and teaches poetry writing workshops for local public school teachers. She also volunteers for Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Our Say, reads at a number of venues throughout the city, and studies kickboxing. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Luna, Voces, Chachalaca Poetry Review, New Texas, and elsewhere.

Ann Killough has poems published or supposedly about to be published in Fence, Poems & Plays, Cedar Hill Review, and Plainsongs. Her poems have been finalists for the 2000 Grolier Prize and the 2001 Milton Award for Excellence in Poetry, and her chapbook was a finalist for the 2001 Tennessee Chapbook Prize.

Norman Lock's plays have been staged internationally. The Los Angeles Times voted The House of Correction among the best of 1988 and (for its revival) 1994. It was called the best new play of the 1996 Edinburgh Theatre Festival. His radio dramas, in German translation, have been broadcast by WDR, Germany. He is also the author of a film, The Body Shop, produced by The American Film Institute. His fiction appears regularly in leading reviews in the U.S. and in Europe. A History of the Imagination was published in Germany in 2001. Two extended prose collections—Joseph Cornell's Operas and Émigrés—are published by Elimae Books. Lock won the Aga Kahn Prize for fiction, given by The Paris Review, in 1979. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and two children.

Jack Martin <> lives in Colorado. Lately his poems have appeared in Crazyhorse, LaPetiteZine, Mudlark, Quarterly West, River Styx, Wordvirtual, and other journals. His chapbook is Weekend Sentences (Pudding House).

Robert Miltner teaches creative writing and composition at Kent State University Stark Campus. Poems recently or forthcoming in Luna, Pleiades, Barrow Street, Montserrat Review, CrossConnect, Hawaii Pacific Review, Rockford Review, Poems and Plays, EnterText, Poetry Midwest, Main Street Rag, Switched-on Gutenburg, Birmingham Poetry Review, and Chiron Review; microfictions recently or forthcoming in Mystic River Review, Stay Dog, Mochila Review and Alphabet Faucet; author of three chapbooks: On the Off-Ramp, The Seamless Serial Hour, and Against the Simple, which won the Wick Chapbook Award.

Dan O'Donnell is a photographer based out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Originally from Ohio, Michael Sowder grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. He graduated from the University of Washington Law School and practiced law for several years in Atlanta. While working in Atlanta, he received his MFA under the direction of David Bottoms, abandoned the practice of law, and at the University of Michigan obtained his Ph.D., writing a dissertation on Walt Whitman. He now teaches creative writing and American Literature at Idaho State University, in Pocatello, Idaho. His poems have appeared in many journals, including Poet Lore, Green Mountains Review, Cutbank, The South Carolina Review, Poem, Southern Poetry Review, and his essays have appeared in the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review.

Jane Vincent Taylor writes poetry and prose like some people around here go to church. That is, all the time; all the time, that is, when she's not working as a reference librarian, working the local crisis line, sitting zazen, bowling (this is Oklahoma!) or watching one of her grandsons play t-ball while the other one eats the corner off Good Dog Carl. Her goal this year is to get her thesis published and to refrain from writing any poems about bombings or the death penalty. Let it be. She can be reached at <>.

Jubal Tiner is an assistant professor in the English Department at Western Carolina University, deep in the mountains of North Carolina, after two years as a "Roads Scholar" in the Indiana / Ohio border region. He and his wife, Tara McDonald, a life coach and seminarian, and their two dogs, Pickle and Pepper, live just outside the city limits of Sylva, NC. "Hoops" is a piece from his composite novel, The Waterhouse. E-mail him at <>.

Patti White was a probation officer in Colorado before turning to academic life; she now teaches American literature at Ball State University and is the editor of Mississinewa Press. Her work has appeared in the Hopewell Review, The MacGuffin, The Ledge, and the Mississippi Review, and she has performed her work at a number of venues, including the Indianapolis Museum of Art, the Kellogg Writers Series, and the Carnegie Arts Center in Covington, KY. She can be reached at <>.



We punctuate Ph.D. (with periods, giving it dubious props) and not MFA because the Ph.D. is larger and has previously threatened us.