John Richards wakes up really, really early. While the rest of the world is hitting the snooze button and wiping sleep from their eyes, John is hard at work saving rock and roll from the clutches of corporate radio.
John works for a little operation out of Seattle, Washington, called KEXP. Actually it's not so little anymore. It used to be, back when it was a low-wattage college station called KCMU. But an infusion of cash from Microsoft founder Paul Allen and his Experience Music Project in 2001, new digs in downtown Seattle, a cutting-edge website with streaming audio, and in-studio performances from the likes of Sonic Youth, Evan Dando and the Old 97's have put it on the map in a big way.
K-E-X-P. Dot org. Remember those call letters. Type them into your browser. Do it now. Because there's no reason for you to continue listening to whatever Clear Channel incarnation you’ve got playing in the background while you read this interview. What is that, Creed? Seriously. Turn. It. Off. We'll make it easy for you -- just click right here and let the world of commercial-free indie rock take you into its warm embrace.
So who is this John Richards character? Let us tell you who he’s not. You know that DJ you just switched off? How he talks in that annoying, put-on voice, like a used-car salesman? How he spews terms like “rock block” and “gettin’ the Led out,” then hits an effects button so it sounds like his voice is echoing from deep within a cave? John Richards is not that guy.
John Richards is that kid in your tenth-grade study hall who was carving names like The Pixies and Bad Brains onto the cover of his spiral notebook while you were busy learning the chord progression for “Stairway to Heaven.” He’s the guy whose college dorm room was littered with mix tapes and foreign EP’s and concert handbills. He’s the guy who didn’t turn into a corporate sellout, who marched into the KEXP studios in 1995 as a volunteer and proceeded to become indie rock’s go-to guy, the DJ who can give a band airplay and suddenly they start filling up clubs and their records are moving off the shelves in towns they’ve never even heard of.
John Richards is going to save rock and roll. Believe it. In the meantime, he took a few minutes out of his busy day to barrelhouse around the old barrelhouse:
Barrelhouse: The DJ used to have a unique spot in radio as a tastemaker, someone
people relied on to introduce them to good music. These days there
seem to be only a few DJs who occupy that kind of position: you, the
other KEXP folks and maybe that guy who does the morning program at
KCRW in L.A. Do you think there's any hope of returning radio to what
it once was? What would have to change?
JR: I think a lot of people think that’s still the way it is. So the first
part is education. 99% OF DJS DO NOT PROGRAM MUSIC. It’s become commonplace in the corporate radio world to have a few people deciding what gets airplay, based on sales and focus groups, not on quality or the art of playing music. While commercial radio is getting better with some of the bands they are
playing, those bands are played only because that’s what’s selling now and that’s what the focus groups are telling them to play. There is hope but the change will not come from within, it will come from the pressure from the outside world. Satellite radio, internet streaming, ipods, and stations like KEXP will
hopefully draw people away from the terrible programming that goes on in the
radio world and that's the only way they'll change: when the numbers go
down, i.e. when the money goes down.
Barrelhouse: I understand you got your first job at KEXP by just showing up one
day and saying "What can I do?" How has the station changed since
then, and how has your job evolved?
JR: It has changed and evolved quite a bit since then. However, if you’re willing
to come in and volunteer at KEXP and you’re persistent and excited about KEXP, then chances are we'll have something for you to do. Back then and even now,
people show up and say "I want to be on the air" or "give me a show" instead
of working their way up at the station or paying their dues like everyone
else has had to do. I have a lot of people who say they want in but once
they hear I need them to get up at 4:30am and be at the station by 5:00am, you
don't hear much from them after that. If you're not willing to miss a
little sleep, then you must not be very passionate about what it is we do
here. My job has gone from volunteer to having the premier show on KEXP
that I created and continue to evolve every day. I also have a ton of
stuff to do off-air, but that's not the exciting part that people want to
read about. I put in about 60 to 70 hours a week at KEXP. How's that for
evolution?! [Ed. Note: In addition to filling out the morning slot at KEXP, John hosts a Saturday evening show called Audioasis that features local bands from the Pacific Northwest. He’s also associate program director for the station, and runs his own record label, Loveless Records.]
Barrelhouse: You've grown into something of a cult figure and your show attracts
listeners from all over the world. At last count, you had 8,680 people
signed up for your daily email playlist, and that number's growing all
the time. You can level with us: how long before all of us Morning
Faithful are standing in a field somewhere in Nevada wearing the
Polyphonic Spree robes and nodding along to your orders for world
JR: Hopefully soon. I have some land in Idaho and as soon as the list hits
10,000 people, it’s party time. It’s pretty amazing. I have the best
listeners on earth. They love music and they love discovering it each and
every morning. They give me the license to create a soundtrack each day for
them — which sounds like hippie cult bullshit, but it’s true. I shake my
head every day in amazement at KEXP listeners. Cult or no cult, we will
rule the world! Now send me money!!
Barrelhouse: As someone who works in the music business, maybe you can explain
this to us: How does a band like Train get signed to a huge record
deal and play to sold-out amphitheaters, while a band like The Long
Winters is still playing the club circuit? I mean, seriously, what gives?
JR: I blame George Bush. That and an industry that will only truly get behind
what they think they know will sell. And they're right, popular culture
loves shitty music. The top 40 has hardly ever been that great overall.
Its better to live in a world where you don't have to go to amphitheaters
Barrelhouse: We know music geeks love lists, and we at Barrelhouse want to
provide at least some service to our readers. We like to assume the
best about people, so we imagine your average person would turn off
the commercial radio and put down the Puddle of Mudd CD if someone
just steered them in the right direction. With that in mind, how about
five albums people should be listening to right now but probably
JR: -
Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (Arista)
- M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas and Lost Ghosts (Mute)
- The Concretes - The Concretes (Astralwerks)
- Delays - Faded Seaside Glamour (Rough Trade)
- Bobby Bare Jr.'s Young Criminals' Starvation League - From the End of
Your Leash (Bloodshot)
Barrelhouse: And now the Barrelhouse standard: Bearing in mind that we may use
your answer to psychoanalyze you, what's your favorite Patrick Swayze
JR: Red Dawn. Why the Russians AND Cubans were attacking Kansas is beyond me.