[Chapbook Contest]
[Corollary Sites]
[Author Index]

Text objects: [Arlene Ang] [Justin Bell] [Kristy Bowen] [Joseph Bradshaw] [Jason Bredle] [Steve Davenport] [Jennifer K. Dick] [Melanie Dusseau] [John Estes] [Meagan Evans] [Jason Koo] [Amanda Magnuson] [Emily Pérez] [Dan Rosenberg] [Josh Russell]

Visual objects: [Nick McRae]

About these things we call contributors: [here]

Review objects: [Cynthia Arrieu-King on Matt Hart's Who's Who Vivid] [on Jennifer Michael Hecht's Funny] [Paul Guest on Sarah Manguso's Siste Viator]

Schematic objects: [Cause and Effect Diagram (fishbone diagram)] [Examples of Models Provided to the Brain-Injured Child by the Teacher in Geometric Form Copying] [Eyeshadow Application] [Management System Used by Weldon Plant Prior to January, 1962, as Seen by Upper Management, Supervisors, and Assistant Supervisors] [Predicting the Active Fish]