The "Mystery, Crime, and Science Fiction" anthology edited by James Sallis continues to grow, as does our "Multi-Ethnic Anthology."

With this issue, the "Work In Progress / Work in Print" selections become an on-going "Collection."

The "Attack on America" section has been archived.

This issue's short stories include James Jay Egan's thoughtful evocation of postwar Vietnam in "Dismounting the Tiger" and Joseph M. Faria's memorable protrait of a frozen marriage, "A Still Life."

Ilya Kaminsky's Special Prose Poetry Issue contains an informative and knowledgeable introduction by guest editor James Grinwis.

Two new sections have been added: Movie Reviews — don't miss "Faces Wild: Why The Battle of Algiers Goes On," by Steve Street — and Book Reviews.

My thanks to Rachel Callaghan and Michael Neff, Publisher, for this opportunity to, with the continuing contributions of Ilya Kaminsky, Poetry Editor, and Steve Street, our new Fiction Editor, maintain the fine reputation established by Rachel.

Comments and questions regarding the work found here may be sent to the editors. Literary agencies wanting to get in touch with our writers may contact us at the same address.

In Posse Review is dedicated to bringing opportunities to writers as well as providing the best writing to our readers.

Anna Sidak



In Posse: Potentially, might be ...