"Black roses twine with crimson
In the flowers by my plate."
More Perihelion:
Bob Sward's Writer's Friendship Series Book Reviews Need to Know
12: The Necessary Ear
11: The Necessary Eye
Issue 10: Out on a Limb
Issue 9: The Missing Body
Issue 8: The Lily
Issue 7: Passages
Issue 6: No More Tears
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Viazemsky translated from the
Russian by J. Kates
To Friends
I drink to the health of friends,
Constant, however few,
In treacherous, lying days
Friends unwavering, true.
I drink to the health of friends,
Distant, alone, but dear,
Friends alone as I am,
Breathing an alien air.
Tears water the wine in my cup,
But the stream is pure and sweet;
Black roses twine with crimson
In the flowers by my plate.
My cup, to the health of friends,
Constant, however few,
In treacherous, lying days
Friends unwavering, true.
To the health of those near but far,
Those whom my heart still loves,
And remembering those who are
Buried in lonely graves.
J. Kates is a poet and literary translator who lives in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire.
His translations of the Romantic Russian poets will be forthcoming in an anthology of international Romantic poetry
edited by Michael Ferber. An Anthology of European Romantic Poetry in Translation, Longman (US) 2004.
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