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Mary Biddinger's work has appeared in recent issues of ACM, The Journal, Portland Review, Puerto del Sol, Red Rock Review, and Sycamore Review, and is forthcoming in American Literary Review, The Briar Cliff Review, and Stray Dog. She lives in Chicago with her husband and daughter, and teaches writing at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
David Biespiel's second book of poems, Wild Civility, was published in 2003 by University of Washington Press in a new series edited by Linda Bierds. His first book of poems, Shattering Air, was published by BOA Editions. He has work in The New American Poets, edited by Michael Collier, and in Carnegie-Mellon's American Poetry: The Next Generation, as well as recent or forthcoming poems in Denver Quarterly, Fence, Poetry, and Nimrod.
Joe Green lives in Minnesota and has new poems out or forthcoming in Fulcrum3 and Rattapallax.
Carolyn Guinzio's work has appeared recently in American Letters & Commentary, Boston Review, Denver Quarterly, Epock, Gettysburg Review, Willow Springs, and Colorado Review, and she has work forthcoming in New American Writing, Luna, and Chimera Review among others.
Tyehimba Jess has received fellowships from the Cave Canem and Callaloo workshops as well as the Ragdale Foundation. He won the 2001 Gwendolyn Brooks Open Mic Poetry Award, an Illinois Arts Council Artist Fellowship in Poetry for 2000 - 2001, and the 2001 Chicago Sun-Times Poetry Award. He was on the 2000 and 2001 Chicago Green Mill Slam teams. His first non-fiction book, African American Pride: Celebrating Our Achievements, Contributions, and Enduring Legacy, was published in December of 2003.
Mary Kaiser teaches English at Jefferson State Community College. She lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband and their two children. She has poems forthcoming in Eclipse and PMS.
Melissa Kirsch's poems have appeared in Northwest Review, Indiana Review, Fence, Nerve, Meridian, Poetry Daily and in the anthology Acquainted With the Night: Insomnia Poems (Columbia University Press, 1999). She has received fellowships from the Association d'Art de La Napoule and the Camargo Foundation in France and the Fundación Valparaíso in Spain. She lives in New York City.
John T. Lorenc resides in Falmouth, Maine. When not writing poetry he spends far too much time making a living as a software designer.
María Rosa Lojo was born in 1954 in Buenos Aires, the daughter of Spaniards; her father, a Republican from Galicia, had exiled himself to Argentina after the Civil War. She is a Doctor of Letters of the University of Buenos Aires, and, in addition to her activity as a writer, does literary research for CONICET, the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, which has its headquarters at the university. She also directs two research projects at the Universidad del Salvador, where she also offers a doctoral seminar workshop. Her published work in Spanish includes three books of poetry, including Esperan la mañana verde (1998) from which the present selections are taken. Her prose, representative of the so-called "new historical narrative", includes the novel La pasión de los nómades (1994) and the collection of short narratives Amores insólitos de nuestra historia (2001). English translations of her poems by Brett Alan Sanders have also appeared or are forthcoming in The Saint Ann's Review, Chelsea, Stand Magazine, The Antigonish Review, and Artful Dodge.
Wanda McCollar is an English teacher who directs a worldwide online writing workshop for high school students enrolled in the US Department of Defense school system known as DoDDS. Her poems have been published in Chile Verde, and the collected works of poets, Rites of Spring, and Radio, Radio! She lives in Germany and spends what time she can writing, and exploring Europe with her camera. She is currently working on her second novel.
Alfred de Musset (1810-1857) is best known as the sparkling and versastile dramatist of French Romanticism, although he is also celebrated for his poetry and for his prose, including an 1836 novel drawing from his love for George Sand, Confessions of a Child of the Century.
Prince Aleksandr Ivanovich Odoevsky (1802-1839) was a free-thinking Decembrist punished with prison and exile after 1825. The best known of his small body of surviving poems is a response to Pushkin's "Message to Siberia."
Jennifer Pilch received a MA in creative writing from The City University of New York at City College and a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her poems are forthcoming in 5 Trope, Denver Quarterly, and Fence.
Sonya B. Posmentier lives in New York City, where she is an English teacher and Director of Multicultural Affairs at Trinity School. She is the recipient of a 2003 Brio Award from the Bronx Council on the Arts, and her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Hanging Loose, Phoebe, Seneca Review, Konundrum, and Lyric.
Kondraty Fyodorovich Ryleev (1795-1826) was a poet and satirist, using folk forms and themes to express his political radicalism. As one of the editors of the literary almanac The North Star, he made it a political organ as well as a literary one. As one of the leaders of the revolt of 14 December 1825, he was executed, in a literal fulfillment of his literary longing for martyrdom.
Jo Sarzotti lives in New York City & is on the faculty of the Liberal Arts Department at Juilliard. Her poems have appeared in Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review & The Alaska Quarterly.
Daniel Tiffany's poems are currently appearing in Boston Review, Paris Review, and New Review of Literature; and have been published in numerous other journals, including Tin House, Colorado Review, VOLT, and Denver Quarterly. In addition, his latest book of criticism, Toy Medium, was named one of the "Best of Books of 2000" by the Los Angeles Times Book Review.
Prince Piotr Andreevich Viazemsky (1792-1878) was a critic, poet, translator and otherwise general all-round writer. He fought against the French at Borodino in 1812, then and worked for two decades in the Ministry of Finance in spite of his liberal sympathies. He headed the bureau of censorship (1856-1858) but was forced out by opposition from both the right and the left.