Beginning in late 1994, WebdelSol.Com (WDS) undertook a mission to effectively utilize the Internet in the marketing and web-publishing of independent literary journals. WDS was the second organization to place a literary journal on the web--the first being Mississippi Review. Since that time, WDS has served content to millions of readers worldwide, and links lead to WDS content from over 40,000 other websites.
While bringing the best in contemporary literature to the world via Internet, WDS worked closely with the ACLU and other plantiffs in 2000 and 2001 to successfully defeat Internet censorship laws instigated by Evangelicals and the conservative right in battleground states like Michigan and Arizona. Later, as WDS continued to grow, several journals and literary projects formed and grew with it, including but not limited to Del Sol Press, The Potomac Journal of Poetry and Politics, Del Sol Review, In Posse Review, Double Room, Perihelion, 5_Trope, and La Petite Zine.
WDS has been featured or reviewed in everything from Chronicle of Higher Education to Poets and Writers to the New York Times. During the past five years, WDS has expanded in every way imaginable. WDS now offers its readership not only literary journals but metazines, blogs, video, music, culture sites, and cinema arts.
In summary, Web del Sol is a collaboration on the part of scores of dedicated editors, writers, poets, artists, and staff whose job it is to acquire and frame the finest contemporary literary art and culture available in America, and abroad, and to array it in such a manner that it speaks for itself.
We are not supported by academic or corporate grants, or outside money of any kind. WDS is strictly a volunteer effort and we like it that way, however, let's be honest, if any wealthy American, European, Sultan, or African diamond-mine type cares to unload gobs of coins on us for the purpose of improving the cultural consciousness of humanity, we won't turn it down.
Michael Neff
